Example sentences of "it [vb past] with [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It complied with that request in the time allowed .
2 Maladministration took its toll , and fifteen years later it amalgamated with another Hull organisation , the Hull Seamen 's Mutual Association ( 1881 ) to form the Hull Seamen and Marine Firemen 's Mutual Association led by that self same staid and stable personality J.B.Butcher who continued to lead the union until his retirement in 1912 .
3 It met with some success , and on 19 June 1890 the Kensington Burial Board discussed the possibility of the Guardians of the Poor using such wicker baskets for pauper burials , but the Board of Guardians declined owing to their cost .
4 But the work also had to contend with three apses , and here it met with less success : in the apse to Orpheus 's right the panel is a poor fit , and throws out the meeting of the guilloche border of the main design with the north-western abutement .
5 It came with some reminder of youth , of the south .
6 Moreover , children gave precedence to the matching rule in situations where it conflicted with another rule .
7 It detonated with enough force to bring down huge chunks of rock from the ceiling .
8 So , between friends lost and friends forgotten , he was very much alone this Saturday night , and picked up the phone when it rang with some gratitude .
9 It started with these exercise in July and August , which sought to identify erm , commitments required to maintain existing services .
10 It worked with some success in the early 1960s within the US Defense Department , but when applied in other departments it proved too arduous .
11 It connected with such force that it cut Mr Major 's right cheek , splattered his glasses and dribbled down his dark blue suit .
12 It dealt with all matters , both religious and political .
13 But it ran with each school area , you know , Berry , Grimness , Marketthorpe and so on , and now of course the total areas as one but I think perhaps it would be permissible to somebody with local parentage maybe not resident in the area .
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