Example sentences of "it [vb past] go [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The shelter that Jenny had found for me was in Camden Town , not too far away , so in order not to arrive there before it got going for the evening , I dawdled a little , window-shopping .
2 It was n't long after the ball got rolling , together with the head of the Eighties opinion formers , that it got going in the wrong direction .
3 The authority said yesterday that the delays arose because the research amounted to what scientists called a ‘ blue skies ’ project because it involved going beyond the present capacity of the reactor design .
4 It sidestepped nervously , reared , and the slave leading it let go of the rein .
5 Yeah , it filled with water , it 'd gone into the tank .
6 The boxes inside the vault looked fascinating and she badly wanted to know what lay inside box number forty-seven , but not if it meant going into the sinister little room on her own .
7 No you have to get a bucket of water and flush it with a bucket , what we did have on the sink in the brew house was a a , a about a couple of foot square and on the top of that was an old pump handle , well that water used to drain all the rainwater from the roof all rainwater from the roof used to drain into that well that was sunk in the brewers , so that we could pump water out of the little well , so that we could have soft water for doing the washing , rainwater , otherwise it meant going to the standpipe in the , out in the yard to get your water for washing .
8 Of course , the result was , anybody watching you timed how long it took to go from the Dock gate to sign in and put it on the spike .
9 I thought the half bottle of wine we left was symbolic of the extravagant life I was now entering , though I must admit it did go against the grain and I did think vaguely of ‘ bowser bottles ’ .
10 ‘ Absolute horror , and then recognition that it had gone to the parents at the school for which I was responsible , and that this would inevitably result in the headmaster being approached by some parents objecting to having their child in a school with a warden like this .
11 But although we found little , report had magnified our findings in no ordinary degree and we afterwards learnt that it had gone over the country around that we had dug up a great treasure of gold .
12 I know cos we were breaking bits off it cos it had gone over the edge .
13 So just looking at that process , the process of making a piece of practical drama , whether it comes from text or not … the processes of assessment are very complex and far-reaching , and I think it would be very unreal to say that anybody could get to the end of that process without knowing very clearly what … the task had been , how they had approached it , how it had gone at the end really .
14 It had gone into the communications field , using its own satellites to provide a watertight method for directors talking about vital topics over the phone from , say , Frankfurt to Washington , supplying the coded systems .
15 By 1990 it had gone through the familiar process : what started as a compromising fudge had been rationalized as yet another creative act of policy , fitting in with its unique character to a harmonious pattern of public service broadcasting .
16 The interesting point is that , that I feel is , that this is , this , this , this all has a very heavy bearing on the regulatory system , because I think that really we 're now being financial services is a global village and you know whether somebody picks up a phone and di I think in fact did n't you have somebody gave evidence here and said that they could not investigate one of Maxwell 's transactions , because it had gone through the New York office .
17 well drove out and turned , her bumper caught Mick 's wing and right up against the wheel so imagine to pull it out to drive it and the driver said oh wo n't claim on the insurance she said , erm , I 'll pay it , get three estimates and let me have them and Mick said it 's gon na be about three hundred quid , well if it had gone through the insurance he could then have put in for a hire car
18 And this , in spite of some effort on my part to prevent it , led to the subject of science fiction , and where it had gone since the original efforts of Swift and Verne and H. G. Wells .
19 No , the two pro , the thing that the two prongs sit in is cracked so naturally say it had to go into a hole that size , right ?
20 This has been a difficult chapter , but it had to go into the book .
21 I mean as I 'm , I do n't think they had any option with this I think because it 's a change of usage , considerable change of use then it had to go before the committee , erm but erm
22 As with the peak-hours curve , it tended to go in the opposite direction to TV .
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