Example sentences of "it [vb past] [adv prt] in the " in BNC.

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1 This does mean , of course , that there is no control over the model 's yaw axis ( rudder to you fixed-wing flyers ) during the descent , although the natural weathercock effect of the fuselage will keep it lined up in the direction of flight .
2 He wanted it tried out in the open and for his name to be cleared .
3 The employees at Binns on High Row volunteered for the yearlong course after it came up in the company 's suggestion scheme .
4 It came back in the form of the Cult of Slaanesh .
5 Later it came out in the press , there were some shocking pictures , and one of the company 's officers , Lieutenant William Calley ( 25 ) , was put on trial for war crimes .
6 ‘ I saw Mick and Jerry two days before it came out in the papers and they seemed absolutely fine , ’ he says .
7 It came out in the court that he had been robbing old ladies … confidence trickster was the word .
8 The Irish tag was redeemed for a small reward and it was only when it arrived back in the Central Fisheries Board office , Dublin , that Sea Angling Officer , Peter Green , discovered that a new distance record had been set for their shark tag scheme .
9 But it paid off in the end ; here was the pretty little Girl-Human walking over to talk to them , smiling up at them — Inchbad always noticed the fair , smooth skins of humans , whereas giantesses were apt to be a bit coarse and occasionally had incipient beards .
10 Despite the myths which surround the Act , it turned out in the long term to be quite efficient and reasonably humane , but the threat of transition sparked off another series of troubles in Sussex , the last concerted fling of desperation .
11 Kant thinks , for example , that one who breaks a promise , because it is going to land him in personal difficulties to keep it , can not will that everyone would break their promises in these circumstances , for the situation in which no one kept promises which it turned out in the least difficult or vexatious to keep is an impossibility .
12 But see how it turned out in the end . ’
13 They had both of them thought that the climate of Panama would be bad for the racquets , although it turned out in the end that he could perfectly well have taken them with him .
14 However , it turned out in the end that he was basically correct , though in a manner he had certainly not expected .
15 But the character of the report as it turned out in the end owed a great deal to Sir William Beveridge himself , who determined to make a ‘ crusade ’ out of it for the sake of the achievement of social reform .
16 Erm it turned out in the end that , that you got some information about the husband , particularly about a pension scheme , but you almost got the impression was well , you know , was it really right ?
17 It showed up in the scan — one child in three , they say , is now born with some imperfection or other , mostly minor , sometimes major , and whether that 's due to pollution , or insecticides , or growth hormones , or radon gas , or nuclear power plants , take your choice , take your pick : and whatever the cause , the mothers stay healthy enough , are sufficiently medicated one way or another to bring babies to term — and we all said to Edie , what 's a missing leg ?
18 Thus a creature that hunts by daylight would waste its energy if it rushed around in the night when its prey was hiding in a burrow and , anyway , it would be poorly equipped for hunting then .
19 When she was alone on the terrace , she found herself staring fixedly at a cockroach as it scuttled around in the heat , then got up and hammered it to death with her shoe .
20 That 's the way it looked out in the halls as they each displayed a show car as bright as any we 've seen since Tokyo last year .
21 and then on top of that he took the battery off Pat 's car and it fell over in the front so all the acid burnt the carpet !
22 A couple of weeks later , just as most of the officers and men of the Allied Screening Commission in Verona were preparing to go off for the weekend to the country , an enormous , chauffeur-driven Fiat motor car with a flag on the front of it rolled up in the drive .
23 Well it went up in the air .
24 It went on in the same tone for several excited paragraphs and ended in an even heavier and blacker print .
25 It went off in the gents ' toilet on the ground floor .
26 We had hundreds of er identity cards and ration books , all of which are on display in the library , coupled with some extraordinary things ; er a wedding dress made out of a parachute , and an empty incendiary bomb — I stress empty , I 'd hate to think it went off in the library .
27 Julian Russell was working on the Greek cruiser Oceanos when it went down in the Indian Ocean .
28 The thing is , we ordered it went back in the afternoon and it was cut and put on the side , I had to have it did n't I ?
29 It blew down in the gale !
30 Want it mopped over in the morning .
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