Example sentences of "it [vb past] [be] [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It 'd been running at a loss for years .
2 On Aug. 2 the UOF published in Paris an appeal to non-governmental organizations to send aid to some 200,000 civilians in the north and south-west of Djibouti , who it claimed were dying at the rate of 100 a day due to the effects of drought and a government blockade of areas of rebel activity .
3 The allegations against Lacayo were seen as the latest attempt by right-wing elements in the ruling 14-party ruling coalition ( still known as the National Opposition Union , UNO ) to discredit the government , which it claimed was collaborating on security and economic matters with the left-wing Sandinista National Liberation Front ( FSLN ) , the main opposition party [ see p. 38957 ] .
4 The Brownings , it appeared were going to France , to some seaside place , in Brittany perhaps , where they would be joined by members of both their families , somewhere new , somewhere stimulating away from the tired attractions of Lucca .
5 The latter manifests itself as smooth , waxy blobs on fins and skin , making the fish look as though it had been swimming under a dripping candle .
6 Others have progressed rapidly in the beginning , only to experience considerable difficulty in overcoming the final hurdle — almost as though the mind was loath to give up a fear to which it had been clinging for years .
7 Earlier this month Bear Stearns , the New York investment bank , distributed 10 million shares that it had been holding as part of a deferred payment plan .
8 The document inevitably evoked much discussion within the Principality , and the WJEC , for example , responded by advocating a solution which it had been cherishing for some time , namely the creation of a small advisory body made up of representatives of three bodies : the Welsh Office ; the Welsh Counties Committee , consisting of local authority representatives ; and the WJEC .
9 Then , towards the end of January , people noticed that at least one boar was coming right up to the village in its nighttime foraging : there were tracks in the snow and patches of scratched earth where it had been digging for roots .
10 The Thames and Chilterns Tourist Board went into liquidation last month amid allegations that it had been living beyond its means .
11 While he had been talking like an estate agent , getting his full value out of the situation , the full embarrassment of it had been dawning on Jenna .
12 The garden city lobby alleged that the vested interests of London had worked against a decentralist approach , for which it had been striving for many years , and F.J. Osborn acknowledged in correspondence with Lewis Mumford that the Plan was a bitter disappointment to him and the Town and Country Planning Association ( TCPA ) :
13 Although the Bingham report made serious criticisms of the bank , it had been dealing with a unique situation .
14 This gave it an influence among the Middle classes which it had never previously enjoyed , while allowing it to maintain the tenuous but important industrial base which it had been creating in the 1920s .
15 It had been raining for over three hours , and the hide Duncan lay in was filled with water .
16 It was raining when Patrick Montgomery Lundy , followed by Jane Bradley , stepped onto Irish soil , and he suddenly remembered his mother telling him that it had been raining on the day she had first come to Ireland , in the May of 1898 .
17 It had been running on unheard for some time , in any case .
18 It had been running at more than 90 per cent capacity through the peak season , and weathered the lean winter months to show a profit of more than £250,000 .
19 It had been running through my thoughts so often that I knew it by heart , yet now I was suddenly afraid that I might do the wrong thing !
20 It had been travelling from Libya with the last of five arms shipments for the IRA .
21 Labour attempted to pre-empt any jobs package by stressing yesterday that it had been pressing for such measures since before Christmas .
22 Unbeknown to him , it had been negotiating with Robert Maxwell , and sold the Daily Mirror behind his back .
23 British Telecommunications Plc says that the bid by AT&T Co to operate in the UK could speed liberalisation of the key North Atlantic telecommunications route , and reckons that the matter could be settled within months ; AT&T says that it would much preferred to have entered the UK market with a local partner but saw no prospect of that ( it had been negotiating with Cable & Wireless Plc for a stake in Mercury Communications Ltd ; meanwhile each side throws regulatory brickbats at the other , with AT&T complaining that it has to deal — on a confidential basis — with British Telecom on interconnect and access charges where in the US , charges are much lower and have to be applied within the operator 's own business as well — and that simply applying for a licence in the UK costs $70,000 against just $610 in the US ; British Telecom complains that it was n't allowed to increase its 20% stake in McCaw Cellular Communications Inc and achieve a management position — and likely would be barred from buying MCI Communications Inc , where AT&T would be free to buy Vodafone Group Plc — or even Mercury , outright , if it wanted to .
24 A site has yet to be secured — although the Mountain View , California-based company said it had been working on the plans for some 18 months — and a choice will be announced within 60 days , according to Sun 's chief financial officer , Kevin Melia .
25 Luckily the washing machine coped as adequately with Ruth 's clothes as it had been doing for the past six years .
26 He argued that Dorset should continue to record unmet need as it had been doing in a pilot project , although the decision is so politically sensitive that it has to be given clearance by the politicians at their June committee meeting .
27 Anyhow , it had been going for a very short time , not very satisfactory , because none of us really were very successful with our machine , and then a … messenger came in to say that a [ radio ] taxi driver had come into No. 10 to say he 's heard everything going on in his taxi in Whitehall .
28 Unfortunately one day when it was earlier on he , he got his commands mixed up and we was m marching down the yard and the drive , and we was marching towards the factory up and down and right wheel and about turn , left wheel , basic foot drill you know it had been going for about ten minutes and all and we was going down towards the factory and erm we kept on going , we was getting close to the factory and he , he he forgot his words forgot what er command he wanted to give and he shouted stop you 'll be in the bloody factory in a minute instead of sa shouting halt , you know , he , he got flummoxed .
29 Oh it had been going for quite some time , I do n't know really when they would start .
30 Do you know Dave I read erm we there 's a magazine called Good Housekeeping and it 's been going for it had been going for seventy years , last year it started in nineteen twenty one , women 's magazine , very good one and they had a sort of seventieth birthday issue
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