Example sentences of "it [adv prt] with [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We stick it on with a hot glue gun .
2 It is easier to bring off if you have an assistant to hold the camcorder , otherwise , you have to set it up on a tripod or some other suitable support and switch it on with a remote control or time-delay .
3 Quality manufacturers will offer sacks with a ‘ fixed back length ’ in several different sizes , so be sure your pack fits correctly and try it on with a realistic load before buying .
4 Cover the pot with a polythene bag and fix it on with an elastic band .
5 It 's back in its box now , but it 's still pretty big — so I have to stick it in with the dirty washing .
6 You dip it in with the leading edge let the water pour over it , then drain it off .
7 Great Aunt S was simply pouring her tea into the saucer , whereupon she drank it down with a loud slurp .
8 Away he goes Lawrence again to the right-handed and that 's short on the back foot plays it down with a dead bat , ball bounces little more than a yard or two .
9 He poured himself another , swilled it down with a grim smile and cradled the empty wineglass in his hands .
10 Ensure good contact by pegging in place with wire hoops or weighting it down with a few pebbles .
11 And I had to clean them and I had to get a bucket of water and sluice it down with a hard broom and .
12 Coun Williams added local disabled groups were consulted during the planning stage of the scheme and would benefit from it along with the elderly and parents with pushchairs .
13 Only you can answer this and you might need to talk it over with a close friend if you want to get to the heart of your feelings on the matter .
14 Er and then you wash it over with a hot solution of three parts clarified sheep 's tallow four parts clarified sheep 's tallow , five parts rosin .
15 ‘ But I 'll think I 'll just need to talk it over with a few people before we run it though . ’
16 Next , if I were wise only to my own ends , I would certainly take such a subject as of itself might catch a clause , whereas this ’ — he is of course writing about the vexed question of erm Church government and the possible disappearance of episcopy — ‘ whereas this hath all the disadvantages on the contrary , and such a subject as the publishing whereof might be delayed at pleasure and time enough to pencil it over with the curious touches of art , even to the perfection of a faultless picture , whereas in this argument the not deferring it is of great moment to the good speeding .
17 You sit there in the head man 's office , you wave your hands about , your voice goes up and down , you raise your eyebrows and round it off with a quizzical smile and a subtle twist of the head .
18 E he just pushed it off with a long thing like that and and on they went and did it .
19 The analysis of the model is now complete , although we might round it off with a baptismal ceremony .
20 If you 've got rid of a doorway , or turned two rooms into one , round it off with an arch kit which you plaster over ; add stylish fibrous plaster arch mouldings and corbels ; or frame it in wood .
21 Fill in the coupon on this page and send it off with the appropriate cheque
22 It was a post for which he was singularly unsuited and from which he removed himself or was gently pushed in September 1939 , but , though he failed to hit it off with the central committee , he did bring to the organisation the stamp of institutional legitimacy .
23 I rinsed it off with wet tissue , dried it off with the same soft wipes , and it came up like new .
24 Following it up with a barbaric dose of guitar pop like ‘ Kennedy ’ would have seen off any new-found ‘ fans ’ and old faithfuls would have welcomed back their indie darlings at the drop of a balalaika .
25 And follow it up with a new question .
26 She brushed past Penry , eluding the hand he put out to detain her as she ran outside to the car , deaf to his entreaties as she jumped in the car and started it up with a violent rev of the engine .
27 But unlike many well-meaning friends , he followed it up with a practical alternative : ‘ Tell God every detail of your needs in earnest and thankful prayer , and the peace of God , which transcends human understanding , will keep constant guard over your hearts and minds as they rest in Christ Jesus . ’
28 The other three departments keep most information in hard copy but back it up with a small use of online services .
29 " Take a quart of Creme and a pint of rhenish wine and the juice of 4 lemons sweeten it to your taste and put in some leamon peele then whip it up with a small rod and put it with a spoone into syllabub glasses . "
30 Other lenders may advance 95 per cent of the purchase price and then top it up with a five per cent loan from an insurance company .
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