Example sentences of "it [conj] [vb pp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 All the way across not one stone moved or even trembled as she jumped on to it or swayed on top of it or clutched at the sides of it !
2 In Stones [ 1989 ] 1 WLR 156 ( CA ) , Glidewell LJ said that : " The mischief at which the section is clearly aimed is that if a burglar has a weapon which he intends to use to injure some person unconnected with the premises burgled , he may nevertheless be tempted to use it if challenged during the course of the burglary and put under sufficient pressure . "
3 Similarly , gender neutrality which is theoretically desirable might in practice have little to commend it if introduced into the law of rape as it is presently constructed .
4 They were apprehensive about opening it and sent for the Bomb Squad .
5 Going to a built-in wardrobe he opened it and flicked through the many articles of clothing hanging there .
6 Maurin , who had been longing for an excuse to escape , said he would go himself to attend to it and made for the door .
7 ( 2 ) On any application for the renewal of a licence , the licensing board may require a plan of the premises to which the application relates to be produced to it and lodged with the clerk .
8 Chesarynth sensed it and realized for the first time that what she was hearing was nothing but verbally-trimmed ideas .
9 You know when you 're small , you cover yourself with ropes of it and run along the beach ?
10 He took it and crawled into the hide .
11 The coroner ignored it and crossed to the end of the room , where he took up his favourite position a-straddle the fireplace .
12 Golden motes drifted from it and hung in the air .
13 Without another word she went back into the kitchen then came out to him , closed the front door after her without locking it and got into the car .
14 She ran it beneath the cold tap for a moment then dried it and returned to the pan , lowering the heat , scooping the eggs out and onto a plate .
15 Léonie left her to it and returned to the kitchen .
16 Likely I would have dropped it and returned to the strumming . ’
17 He admired it and talked about the artist 's meaning , and the noble ideas he attributed to him .
18 He clung shivering to the comfortless bed that seemed now the only tenuous security he had , but he was plucked away from it and hustled through the doorway , still bemused with cold and sleep .
19 There hardly could be a harder act to follow than Gary Armstrong , universally rated the outstanding scrum-half in the world game , but Andrew Nicol of Dundee High School FP made an impressive stab at it when thrown to the English wolves at Murrayfield on January 18 .
20 Mrs. Carlill saw the advertisement , purchased a smoke ball , used it as instructed for the specified period and nevertheless caught ‘ flu .
21 The " Green Movement " is not necessarily the friend of religion — it can displace it as understood within the great religious traditions , giving rise to a neo-paganism which challenges them .
22 The motion which I am anxious to put before the full plenary session of the European Parliament is in fact a motion to ban lead from petrol completely , not merely to reduce it as stated in the article . ,
23 The only way the trust can be given effect is by construing it as charged on the intestate heir in favour of some other person .
24 b ) Place strip 1 on your desk and carefully put the ¼ piece , from the second strip , beside it as shown on the side .
25 Now work out the following by forming an equation and solving it as shown in the last example .
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