Example sentences of "it [adv] [be] [vb pp] that " in BNC.

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1 Had it not been realised that it was the work of a humble man , this poem would be thought a sacrilege and an example of striking pride and arrogance , but instead it is an invitation to extreme exaltation of spirit for it comes from a man who has submerged his ego in the All .
2 The decision on this paragraph turns on the proper construction of the crucial words ‘ in matters relating to a contract , ’ it not being disputed that the place of performance of the obligation in question ( if it exists ) was England .
3 Let it not be said that the government rushes into legislation without consultation .
4 The question to be asked then is , given that women are unlike Jesus of Nazareth in the form of their humanity , may it not be said that a woman baptized into Christ is not differently related than is a man to Jesus as the Christ ?
5 But could it not be argued that the RSPCA , and others who carry out such a praiseworthy activity , are interfering with the natural selection process ?
6 Since it is generally agreed that intelligence has a genetic component , can it not be argued that social inequality has a biological basis ?
7 " Let it not be imagined that grouse are an easy quarry for any hawk to take .
8 Will it not be found that the political activity of societies consists ordinarily , perhaps invariably , in filling sieves and making sand ropes — sieves which those who fill them half know to be sieves , sand which those who weave it into ropes suspect to be sand after all ?
9 Let it not be forgotten that in the years leading to the war the Tories were so scared of Russia that they missed the chance to establish a partnership which might well have prevented war .
10 If an individual or the members of a firm may sue for a libel imputing to them insolvency , because of the damage which such a libel is calculated to do them in relation to their business , could it possibly be maintained that a trading corporation could not sue for a like libel ? …
11 Rarely has it ever been recorded that a fatality has occurred from snakebite during the festival ; the Cobras appear to know that they are being revered .
12 And yet had it ever been suggested that Germany ( or France , or any other country which had a more open public attitude to sex ) was somehow less moral than us ?
13 It once being realized that one can desire things other than pleasure , there is no reason to fudge the fact that people evidently have , to some extent , a desire for the happiness of others , whether of people in general or of particular people .
14 Although , if it was a French war , might it also be assumed that the Vietnamese , whose tendency to sit on the fence was the subject of American as well as French complaint , would want to join in with the same enthusiasm that they would give to a national cause ?
15 On the other hand , could it also be argued that without this form of population control there might be an over-population of some wild species and that nature would have to find some other way of correcting it ?
16 In neither instance could it reasonably be said that student choice was as wide open as the Shores model would require , and the main area of decision was at what time to go to one 's carrel and enter the process .
17 RIGHT Dawn ‘ throwing up ’ — yes , it really is called that — as she 's about to land on my glove .
18 Housewives can not be accused of ‘ doing nothing all day ’ ; nor can it legitimately be said that their only ‘ work ’ is ‘ creative ’ and thus intrinsically pleasurable .
19 He commented : ‘ While one can observe that a breast is nothing but a modified sweat gland and , indeed , a secondary sexual characteristic , can it truly be heard that breasts are anything but intimately associated with sex or things sexual . ’
20 If it is assumed that the system of corporate enterprise is the most efficient system for the creation of wealth , should it therefore be concluded that corporate power is legitimate ?
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