Example sentences of "it [verb] make [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For them , the survey embodied the scientific method because it sought to make basic observations of the phenomena of interest and out of this formulate generalisations .
2 It stopped making low-density polyethylene , a basic petro-chemical characterised by massive international over-capacity , a decade ago .
3 What can be done to harness this interest and give the public the scientific background it needs to make informed decisions on subjects like acid rain , the greenhouse effect , nuclear weapons , and genetic engineering ?
4 On both sides of the Irish Sea it has made all practitioners keenly aware of the deep oubliettes of the timetable , in short of the incoherence even of the apparently most broad and balanced curriculum .
5 It has made this country one of the best places in which to live , work and bring up our children .
6 Take education : it has made gigantic strides against bitter opposition to reform the system , to raise standards , to monitor the results and to draw industry closer to the academic and the educational world . ’
7 By ensuring that only the most promising designs enter the wind tunnel , it has made physical evaluation more cost effective .
8 I do n't know whether it has made any difference , but now we 're obliged to abandon some of our defences and it 's certain that your presence can no longer help us .
9 This year we decided at the AGM to visit the Llangollen Railway , having learnt from the railway press that it has made rapid progress in the last three years .
10 It has made unequivocal statements and set clear guidelines on the issue of censorship .
11 It not only represents the profession towards the Institutions of the EC where it has made significant contributions , but is also the focal point for the discussion of matters of common interest to the profession throughout Europe .
12 It has made remarkable progress since it was acquired by Seton in 1986 , ’ said Mr Stoller .
13 Building reusable code can take more time initially , so it has to make good business sense to invest the extra time on a particular object .
14 Often as not it has to make several passes through the gravel before all of the suspended matter is finally trapped in the gravel .
15 The more of these properties a dummy possessed the more strongly it was mobbed , but it seemed to make little difference whether the object was a stuffed owl with real plumage or an owl-shaped piece of painted wood .
16 Tonight there was a moon , starlight even , and he knew that after a few minutes away from the house it would be possible for her to see with surprising clarity ; but moon or no moon , it seemed to make little difference to her and she 'd been spending hours abroad at even the deepest , darkest point in the cycle .
17 It seemed to make more sense than having Rib Shacks in Reading and Rugby or elsewhere , ’ he said .
18 There may be some who find it relaxing to make some test-tubes or cut out some filter-papers ; and apparatus to investigate previously unsuspected effects must be made from scratch , or assembled opportunistically from things designed for old purposes ; but ready availability of apparatus is an enormous bonus to the scientist , and the growth of science led to a flourishing trade .
19 One steel factory in Silesia found that it could no longer afford to make the heavily subsidised , high-quality steel it used to produce before the new budgetary regime , so it began to make smaller quantities of low-quality steel , which it found could be exported to Germany at a profit .
20 How long will it take to make these reductions ?
21 Would it have made any difference if I had ?
22 Should it have made any difference ?
23 Would it have made any difference , Melissa wondered as she turned the key , if that lock had been changed earlier ?
24 There is a host of community-related rural organisations in Scotland , many of which are purely social , or purely functional , some of which have broad ( non-party ) political aims , ( very few it seems make any attempt at all to combine social and political aspects even in a semi-structured way ) , but there has been little attempt to make learning connections between the assortment of community groups .
25 Often a change of publisher does wonders for an author , but it seems to make little difference to this man 's sales .
26 Siemens AG has formed a joint venture with the city of Shanghai and the Chinese Ministry of Posts & Telecommunications to produce digital mobile phones and base stations : it aims to make 300,000 phones and 500 base stations each year .
27 It aims to make more information about Gerson available , fund research projects , and eventually it hopes to set up a centre for people who want to try it , in combination with psychological counselling , according to Renee Henry .
28 Of the film 's religious imagery , he says : ‘ We talked about the Fifty-First psalm ( which is sung by one of the kitchen boys ) ; it does n't give you many clues , but I was reading it again this morning and it started making more sense .
29 Thus Verkehrsberuhigung was described as ‘ an unfortunate word ’ , because it means more than making the traffic quiet , it means making surrounding areas better .
30 Direction , one felt , was needed , and up to a point , with soloists Neil Black and William Bennett , it did make some impact .
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