Example sentences of "it [verb] [adv] to [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Through all the Bird generations it passed down to today .
2 ‘ Swagger ’ , in its earliest , Shakespearean use , conveys insolent pretension , but in this exhibition it refers specifically to conspicuously glamorous likenesses , from Van Dyck in the 1630s to Philip de Laszlo in the 1920s .
3 What , what it is on that one you 've got this speaker right and it goes down to really low frequencies especially
4 But usually I think ours have been it 's more it goes down to , not actual being but a an actual reading , it goes down to potentially what it 's capable .
5 I do n't know what size gun it was , you know , or any details but that 's what we found out what the bang was and it , it moved on to somewhere else , they did n't fire it again .
6 Thereafter it rose again to about £91,000 per annum in the last five years of the reign , little more than it had been at the start .
7 It adds up to just what we might expect , in fact , from a talented , energetic and fashionably leftish folk-rock group .
8 It adds up to quite an incentive for the ‘ King of the Park ’ Kenny McKinstry who will be bidding for an unprecedented sixth victory this year , and a second in a row in his Kaliber Subaru Legacy .
9 She said : ‘ In the end it came down to just two letters .
10 Fortunately I had heavy duty minders in the form of my sister , Karen , mum and aunt , who were able to keep the kids in line while I translated the menu and discovered it came down to largely burgers , chicken , steaks and ‘ flipper friendly ’ fish .
11 Eight years on Symphony Release 3 has just been launched and Janet Swift examines how it measures up to today 's standards — looking at it from the viewpoint of existing users and those who are contemplating buying new business software .
12 It add up to more Fedcreds than we 've ever earned for one job , ’ I said lightly .
13 Even if we add in the £1.2bn spent on other administrative and clerical staff as a crude proxy measure of the managerial and administrative ‘ overhead ’ it amounts still to just under 6% of total NHS expenditure .
14 It grows quickly to about 60cm ( 2ft ) tall , flowers profusely , and sets seed without any difficulty .
15 It measured up to precisely what he felt himself and he decided to put it to a higher power .
16 I bet it , as regards it cut down to about five
17 So why why does it go down to very cold ?
18 At £34.96 , the beauty of the Garden Buggy is that it folds down to only 10in thick and will easily fit into the boot of a car .
19 It went up to there and slipped down again .
20 IT IS about as impenetrable as any dispute in the European Community can get , but it threatens either to seriously weaken the edifice of ‘ Project 1992 ’ or at least to bury businessmen under a landslide of new paperwork .
21 Yeah it come up to there , yeah .
22 Well it might be that this turns out to be an extremely successful gamble , and Branson has expanded Virgin into a world recovery , or it may be that this airline runs into more serious financial difficulties in the middle of the decade , and it either contracts or it sells out to either an American or a continental European carrier .
23 It comes up to there on you .
24 Erm but it comes down to basically believing in well
25 I 'm not really an emotional person at all , just because I 'd rather ignore emotion than confront it , so when it comes down to really heavy shit it kinda just breezes right by me .
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