Example sentences of "it [verb] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 As it tumbled through the air it stretched out its arms .
2 It agreed with the clock .
3 The two changes which took place in law and constitution before 1980 were at least permitted by the clerical church in that it agreed with the abolition of the special position of the Roman catholic church , and did not oppose the limited introduction of contraceptives .
4 It agreed to the sale because a refusal would merely have delayed it until the six months ' residential qualification had been achieved by the co-tenant , the committee was told .
5 Instead it agrees with the Government 's view , expressed in its document ‘ Sensible Drinking ’ , that these could penalise the moderate drinker , while problem drinkers would either continue drinking to excess and deprive their families of essentials or switch to cheaper or illicit drinks .
6 This collection is a sampler only — there are no more than six poems from each poet — but it testifies to the way in which poetry can — and does — survive in the most unpropitious circumstances .
7 His poem exemplifies for me the many wonders and the brilliant light of the transcendent ; and also the unity of our soul as it basks in the warmth of that light .
8 The grounds for relief were , inter alia , that Lautro failed to comply with the rules of natural justice and to act fairly in that it failed before the service of the notice to inform the applicant or Winchester of the allegations being made therein , failed to allow Winchester or its controllers , directors , senior management or authorised company representatives the opportunity of answering or responding to the allegations made against them , failed to take into account the interest of Winchester , its controllers , directors , senior management or authorised representatives when deciding to exercise the notice ; that Lautro acted unreasonably and came to a decision such that no person or body properly directing itself on the relevant law and acting reasonably could have reached in that it acted with bias against Winchester and its officials , issued the notice at a time its investigations were incomplete and on the basis of findings which were erroneous and provisional , and failed to conclude its investigations before serving the notice ; and that Lautro acted ultra vires and in error of law in that the rights of appeal applied to any person subject to the rules of Lautro whether or not members .
9 Nevertheless the Church could not preserve men 's minds from modern heresy ; it failed in the campaign to exclude ‘ dangerous ’ books nor could it prevent the influence of contacts established by Aranda and others with the French intellectuals .
10 It failed from the start to live up to expectations in terms of sales abroad .
11 So it applied to the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations for some aid .
12 In this way , it applied to the Bible the ‘ inductive method ’ of scientific study developed in the rise of modern natural science , which similarly aimed to work up from pieces of data to more universal principles or laws .
13 In a moment she heard the engine of the Mercedes , and she heard it zoom down the hill with a squeal of tyres .
14 A full understanding of current unemployment and the role it plays in the working of the labour market requires an explanation of the persistence of long duration unemployment .
15 The implications for social policy are as follows : first , that the main determinants of welfare are economic ; second , that the government 's role in diverting resources into social policies must be seen to be closely interrelated with , even dependent upon , the role it plays in the management of the economy ; third , that social policies will be determined by views about the way the economy does , or should , operate .
16 It encouraged the incorporation of the peasant community into the wider society , because it operated through the market .
17 To monitor the course of the project , that is , to study the implementation of the action project design , to find out whether it operated in the way envisaged , using the means planned , and to examine any problems which arose and any unanticipated consequences .
18 It clanged against the biscuit tin .
19 ‘ And how long did it stay behind the wall ? ’
20 Roy concluded , ‘ Need to have it ratified by the Board .
21 As an inside exploration of culture this might also be considered to be a ‘ liminal ’ or ‘ liminoid ’ phenomenon ( V. Turner 1974 , 1977 ) , for as it delves beneath the surface phenomena , the subjective analysis can reveal unconscious categories and transformational operations which lie between the dual poles and such exclusively preferred categories as ‘ cops and robbers ’ .
22 Everything was the same as it had been when he left it to go to the club the night before last .
23 That 's what makes it think to the name do n't he ?
24 Sign language interpreting shares the process with spoken language interpreting and probably with general language comprehension but it differs in the situation of the users of the language and the community 's attitude towards them .
25 It differs from the rest of Newham in that it is less typically an inner-city area and rather more middle class with few tower blocks and a higher proportion of owner-occupied housing .
26 In addition to these requirements a responsible person may be required to keep the supervisor informed of his address if it differs from the child 's ( para 3(3) ) .
27 For Lacan notes how it is only when the infant encounters itself in a ‘ mirroring ’ image that a form is set up for the face and body ; the mirror provides a perceptual gestalt ‘ ideal ’ form , which does not reflect a reality since it differs from the subject 's fragmentary experience .
28 This is the best deal , although it differs from the bank and building society accounts in requiring one month 's notice for withdrawals .
29 This is the best deal , although it differs from the bank and building society accounts in requiring one month 's notice for withdrawals .
30 This is the best deal , although it differs from the bank and building society accounts in requiring one month 's notice for withdrawals .
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