Example sentences of "it [verb] [noun] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 AT , EISA and Micro Channel bus-compatible , it integrates Printgine parallel port , floppy disk interface , Intelligent Disk Interface control logic , two industry-standard universal asynchronous receiver-transmitters and a PS/2 mouse port .
2 It goes year nine pupil
3 It receives representations each year from some 500 prisoners claiming miscarriages of justice but is able to look at 50 cases in depth .
4 It offers parents real choice .
5 It offers 2,048Mb maximum RAM and delivers 1,600 MFLOPS and 12,800 MIPS peak .
6 It offers 2,048Mb maximum RAM and has 1,600 MFLOPS and 12,800 MIPS .
7 I can not see how it aids justice one iota for that to happen .
8 By the time Tiphook arrived on the stock market , it already had impressive turnover and profits for a company only seven years off the starting blocks ; the following year it made £2.4 million profit on sales of £25 million .
9 On Jan. 17 it met Pakistan Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto before moving on to meet mujaheddin leaders in Peshawar .
10 Large or small , a home is always more saleable if it has gas central heating .
11 The value of Epoc is that it contains Gamma Linolenic Acid ( GLA ) .
12 THE BBC can expect a cool reception when it visits Stockton next week .
13 He showed a particular liking for Richard who took full advantage of the situation , though it caused Edward some uneasiness .
14 When it downgraded Italy this week , the rating agency said it feared that future governments might fail to pursue the tough policies needed to bring Italian public spending under control .
15 Nor , critics pointed out , did it give blacks automatic access to home ownership in previously white areas .
16 Played me one day and it played Annabel one day .
17 Apple also added two new versions of its AppleShare file and print services , AppleShare 4.0 and AppleShare Pro , which it says offer increased performance and a wider range of file and print options .
18 It says sales last year rose 65% to £1.6m , with the US , Japan and the continent all chipping in , and that profits were significantly up .
19 Also , it costs Britain each year £3 million to import enough human blood , mainly from the United States , for factor VIII extraction and this blood carries with it the risk of disease .
20 ‘ Have you ever thought why it gets dark each evening ? ’ asks Phil one day , as they leave one coffee bar where nothing is happening , and walk to another , to find out if anything is happening there .
21 Micro Focus Plc has come up with a new method for charging for licences to its Unix software , which it calls Unix Concurrent User Licensing .
22 He points out that under John Akers , IBM has built its desktop computing business to $8,500m in worldwide sales in 1991 , giving it 19% market share ; remained the worldwide leader in information technology revenues , at $62,800m last year up nearly 30% from $48,500m in 1985 when Akers took over ; and avoided the worst crisis that could have befallen it — which would have been to sacrifice investments in research and development for the sake of a fast buck — it spent $6,600m last year .
23 It needed £400 million investment to replace signalling , track and electricity supplies installed 30 years ago and a similar sum for new trains .
24 Though it also has been scarred by the decline of the region 's economy and property markets — it lost $48.5m last year , mainly because of bad property loans — it has suffered less than Bank of Boston .
25 News spread like wildfire , but it brought Burke unexpected trouble in that a man called Samuel O'Rourke claimed to be a friend of the dead Byrne and challenged Burke to a fight which Burke did not want .
26 When Cooper lobbied government to get rid of him it persuaded M.P.s that Cooper just had a bee in bonnet and was not to be taken seriously .
27 I borrowed , I borrowed it to watch EastEnders last night .
28 It mediates adhesion dependent cell to cell interactions and is expressed on haematopoietic cells such as tissue macrophages , monocytes , B-cells , activated T-cells , germinal centre dendritic cells in tonsils , lymph nodes , and Peyer 's patches , as well as on non-haematopoietic cells such as vascular endothelial cells , thymic epithelial cells , certain other epithelial cells , and fibroblasts .
29 The EEC offered West Germany and its booming economy a huge outlet for its industrial goods , in the same way as it offered France some export benefits for its large agricultural sector .
30 The Beaverton , Oregon-based company has been working over the last few months to staff up a new business unit to concentrate on low-end multi-processors , an area it feels offers great potential .
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