Example sentences of "it [modal v] [be] [vb pp] the " in BNC.

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1 From another point of view it may be called the inner shrine .
2 ( There is no accepted name for the latter , but it may be called the casus male inclusus ) .
3 It may be thought the height of irony that Rangers ' goalkeeper should demand this much attention at a club so dominant Goram has known domestic defeat only six times in 18 months since going to Ibrox from Easter Road for £1 million .
4 The joker , however , gives the present knowing that in the confusion as it goes off , it may be thrown the wrong way — into the face of the recipient 's partner .
5 It should be noted the original cost of the stock is a sunk cost and therefore is irrelevant in establishing the cost of manufacturing Abrasive .
6 It should be noted the charge is under Case VI of Schedule D ( s677(6) ) .
7 It should be christened the Teddy Bear 's Picnic — Europe 's biggest teddy bear 's picnic according to advance promotional material but Radio 1 has decided that sentimentality over lost childhood went out with Smashy and Nicey .
8 Er so I would regard this impo this criterion as critical very er it should be given the greatest of weight and erm must be left in .
9 Now it should be re-named the ‘ Oil City ’ , since its shops and industries are booming as the main base for the many services supplying the oil wells of the North Sea and their workers .
10 Mercury Communications Ltd and the UK 's cable television companies are not bound by the legislation , Article 29 of the Utilities Directive , and British Telecom feels that it should be allowed the same freedom .
11 Chairman , I think I should say in proposing the proposed Policy E two it should be stressed the County Council 's not seeking to introduce a policy of restraint and restriction on the development which attempts to mirror that already applying within any of the nationally designated areas .
12 It should be remembered the situations in which speech is used .
13 While it must be said the illumination does advertise the shop it greatly brightens the area with its window displays .
14 However , it must be said the visiting supporters did their bit , too .
15 Point 1 made by Bowley is a more general and fundamental one than the other three and deserves special comment ; it might be called the principle of parsimony .
16 The base goes back to the RAFin SEptember 94. it 's not yet known what will be done with the land but many local people hope it 'll be used the upper H
17 It could be called the efficiency function of the new system .
18 Returning to the car , or as it could be called the reps ' mobile office , there followed an impressive schedule of administration .
19 Historically it could be called the Taxman 's Revenge .
20 This contained a variety of animals — fowl and sixty-three unspecified small birds — but before it could be served the platform supporting it gave way and the pie slipped to the ground .
21 It could be said the key to his personality and the contribution which he has made to the diocese of Middlesbrough as Bishop is unfolded in an eloquent way by the new Cathedral which he caused to be built .
22 Between them they tied a rope from the vehicle to the bridge and dragged it back into position so it could be opened the correct way .
23 It 's expected it will be called the Rover six hundred .
24 For example , it can be argued the expansion into amalgamated police units has enlarged the organization to a point where it is no longer accessible to the man in the street ; alternatively , it may be that the use of a centralized computer and complex technical aids has alienated the public even at the same time they are increasingly fed a diet of violent news snippets which reinforce a fear of crime and generate another ‘ folk devil ’ of criminal menace , which demands the impossible : a policeman on every corner .
25 Milton 's high style allowed Samson to be read in a manner which reassured the very groups it can be argued the poem attacks .
26 It can be argued the flames have been fanned in part by attitude displayed by Milne 's hooking rival , Brian Moore , who once summed up the England approach by saying : ‘ Nobody likes us and we do n't care . ’
27 It can be called the logical problem , and briefly expressed it is this : in general , what are the premisses or grounds or bases for dependent conditionals ?
28 Temperatures increase with altitude above the tropopause , and from here to where the atmosphere becomes negligible it can be called the thermosphere .
29 It was now clear that this was because an atom in its ground state has nowhere else to go , unless it can be given the rather large amount of energy necessary to lift it to an excited state with n greater than I.
30 M oral philosophers are accustomed to start from the individual pursuing his own ends ; at once the question arises ‘ Why should I prefer anyone else 's to my own ? ’ , and until it can be answered the advantage lies with the egoist .
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