Example sentences of "it [modal v] [not/n't] [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It may not be echoed up on Stanley Hill Top , however , where once mighty Stanley United are chasing promotion from the Wearside League second division .
2 Well it may not be providing we can actually pull out some still
3 It may not be charged on similar sales to purchasers outside the EC .
4 This is not to say that it may not be revised .
5 If the revised bid is unattractive , it may not be accepted , and since the minimum number of shares stipulated in the offer document will not be acquired , the takeover will not proceed .
6 It may not be adjusted or working correctly or as it is operated by water temperature , it may be air locked .
7 Jesus is God ‘ incognito ’ : it is of the very nature of the presence of God as man that it must be ambiguous , that it may not be recognised by everyone , that the ‘ sign ’ by its very nature may be ‘ spoken against ’ .
8 Your solicitor , during the course of making enquiries about the home you are going to buy , may not uncover a right of way because it may not be registered and the present occupant of the property may not be aware that there is a legal right .
9 Do n't have ice in your drinks — it may not be made with purified water
10 Belief in the power of such plants can be traced back to the time of the Druids ; it was certainly part of the belief system of the Celtic peoples , and although it may not be voiced so explicitly as it once was , yet the custom of planting and preserving this special tree is still continued by some people .
11 When the Rump was restored in May , he appeared before it to urge that the government ‘ may not be too long trusted in any man 's hands : that it may not be perpetuated to men ’ .
12 Candidates may not remove from an examination any answer books or material provided for the examination , other than the question paper unless it is specified that it may not be removed .
13 Only under a threat to withdraw the final from Del Mar did the organisers appreciate that a roof was an integral part of the deal , even if it may not be needed to protect horses and riders from the elements .
14 And if it 's not referenced here it may not be referenced anywhere else .
15 The collapse of Taurus will also give revenue an unexpected bonus as the scrapping of stamp duty on share dealings will be postponed , while Government borrowing looks as if it may not be spiralling out of control at quite the rate first feared .
16 The statute occasionally provides in so many terms that the information may be used in evidence ; sometimes that it may not be used for certain purposes , inferentially permitting its use for others ; or it may be expressly prescribed that the evidence is not to be admitted ; or again , the statute may be silent .
17 In other words , syntactic analysis is always carried out but it may not be used in the interpretation of any particular sentence .
18 It may not be thought satisfactory to control and regulate non-governmental bodies which exercise ‘ public ’ functions just by applying private law rules and concepts to their activities .
19 Again it may not be thought to be particularly helpful that God in God 's undifferentiated nature ( or indeed the Spirit in its rather vague nature ) are to be understood as ‘ female ’ , while ‘ divine energies ’ ( sic ) , that which is clearly differentiated and self-determining , is to be seen as ‘ male ’ .
20 I use the word ‘ disease ’ loosely here as , as we shall see in a moment , it may not be attributed directly to a disease infection .
21 Indeed , it may not be going too far to say that without J. G. Crowther New Scientist would not be here , certainly not in its present form .
22 It may not be going too far to suggest that Laski was the primary conduit through which early twentieth-century developments in American legal thought were filtered into British public law thought .
23 He 's the best of the lot , I mean , it may not be saying a lot ,
24 But it may not be appreciated that Miller 's work provided the foundation for later encyclopaedic horticultural works ( see William Stearn , Chapter 20 ) and the ‘ bright beam of gardening ’ , of which John Rogers wrote in 1839 , has continued to shine for two centuries .
25 If the evaluation is ‘ bolted on ’ at a later date it may not be measuring the success of the original , documented plans .
26 ( 3 ) As an ‘ unregistered company , ’ I.B.C. is amenable to the jurisdiction of the English court to wind up unregistered companies under Part V of the Act of 1986 , though it may not be wound up voluntarily under that Act : see section 221(4) .
27 Appendix 1 is the most endangered list , and animals on it may not be traded for commercial purposes .
28 But immediately Hilton makes it clear that such a life-style involves an active life of its own if the peace that is sought is to be found , for it may not be had : This has been defined earlier as : Such an active component of spiritual endeavour is a concomitant of man 's temporal nature .
29 If research can be done in Holland and the USA , I do n't see why it should n't be done in Britain , except I suspect that some British police forces are just hostile to outsiders .
30 Well it should n't be done anyway .
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