Example sentences of "to my [noun] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 To my amazement the old lady straightened up and took off her old gloves to expose several heavily bejewelled fingers .
2 To my relief the old lady smiled and said , ‘ Never mind what they call you , Frankie .
3 But to my surprise the fat lady , on her feet too , was beseeching the thugs : ‘ Please , do n't hurt the boy .
4 We had n't gone very far when we met up with another Lancaster returning from a Cook 's Tour , and to my horror the two aircraft then flew wing-tip to wing-tip all the way home .
5 ‘ I rang him — he 'd given me a list of all the Grands Prix contact numbers — but when he came to my hotel the next morning it was of his own accord . ’
6 It is to my knowledge the first time that an ‘ in-depth ’ feature has been written about their service with the RAF and brought back many poignant memories for me for I was , to quote your September issue , ‘ one of the batch of National Service gunners posted to RAF Coningsby ’ .
7 A recent auction sale brought to my mind the fascinating subject of tally sticks , which could make a wonderfully interesting and historically interesting collection .
8 To my mind the only possibility of solving this problem lies in a large European prospective randomised screening study comparing screening with no screening and using mortality from prostatic cancer as its major end point .
9 That 's National Savings , and to my mind the only good issue they 've got at the moment , and er once you get with index-linked certificates , they were originally the granny bonds that were launched er in the early er late seventies , early eighties .
10 Although the coverage is not comprehensive , and many reviews on various aspects of cage hydrocarbon chemistry are available , to my mind the real value of this book lies in the ideas that it generates , the insights into the chemical developments it provides , and the historical connections that it reveals .
11 His self defence , and I now read from actually only a paragraph or so earlier than my opening passage , his self defence in the reason of Church government is quite interesting erm ‘ If I hunted after praise by the ostentation of wit and learning , I should not write thus out of mine own season , when I have neither yet completed to my mind the full circle of my private studies , although I complain not of any insufficiency to the matter in hand , or were I ready to my wishes it were a folly to commit anything elaborately composed to the careless and interrupted listening of these tumultuous times .
12 I referred to it and you oddly enough in a handwritten letter to my father the other night after referring to Lord XXXXX one of whose contemporaries and friends is coming to stay here a couple of nights next week , and who has been a pillar in the fabric of my life , a man for whom consistency , continuity and courtesy are all — and who is often concerned at the unhappiness which is my ? ? ? ? ? ? ? it is in anything other than a bit of paper , which most of my old friends who wish me well , doubt ) …
13 To my left the shallow ridge that formed an edge of the valley rose up to finish at a shallow bump .
14 To my eyes the new pair of partridges were indistinguishable from any of the other birds I had seen that day , but the rest of the audience clearly thought otherwise .
15 I said to my husband the other day ‘ Say something nice to me .
16 He even produced the document I had signed to that effect , bringing to my attention the relevant clause .
17 Miss Abbott , when you came to my house the other day and wandered round my studio and let me see something of your thoughts , it was as if a gale had blown through all the dust and cobwebs , all the mouldering old habits that were growing up round me like ivy , and when you had gone , I tore that canvas off the easel and smashed it — ’
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