Example sentences of "to a [noun] [prep] time " in BNC.

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1 To a Friend in Time of Trouble
2 In the use with the bare infinitive , the speaker simply wishes to represent the attributing of the infinitive 's event to a support in time as outside the field of possibility ( hence necessarily non-actual ) .
3 In both projective and reactive uses , however , the infinitive expresses an actualized contingent event and the impression of contingency implies a reference to a position in time when the infinitive 's event was not a reality ( i.e. before its actualization ) , so that the term " reactive " is no more appropriate here than in the canonical uses of the " infinitive of reaction " as a description of the meaning of the to infinitive .
4 The deep-seated feeling that man 's nature is essentially structured to survive nomadically and that he needs to be on the move in some way if he is to be satisfied , is complemented by the mystics ' witness that true human fulfilment is the concomitant of what is experienced as a spiritual journey to a goal beyond time that is occasionally anticipated and known in time , the element within which our curiously mixed physical and spiritual natures cohere and mature .
5 Here the bargaining stage has given way to a period of time when you feel it is just not possible to cope with the situation and the future looks bleak .
6 By contrast , the legends concerning Atlantis and the others refer to a period of time only a few thousand years ago .
7 Given that a detailed examination of every transaction of a business is impossible , auditing concentrates on a sample confined to a period of time or to a type of transaction which is singled out for detailed examination .
8 Anyone who suggested that his rise to fame was undeservedly achieved by nepotism and favouritism , would be referred by Beatty to a piece in Time magazine which read , ‘ With facial and vocal suggestion of Montgomery Clift and the mannerisms of James Dean , he is the latest in the line of hostile , moody , sensitive , self-conscious , bright , defensive , stuttering , self seeking and extremely talented actors who have become myths before they are thirty . ’
9 Preceded by to the infinitive is felt to evoke an action referred to a point in time prior to its realization : ( la ) above situates call as being supposed to follow the existence of the obligation to realize this event , denoted by had .
10 But do you feel somebody wanted you to do that or has somebody just been watching the clock on the revivals and the clock 's ticked round to a point in time now ?
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