Example sentences of "to the [noun] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The constellation of behaviours : pointing , vocalising and checking may be closely tied to the acquistion of language .
2 Central to recognition of oneself by oneself is a move in work organizations to the assessment of performance on a continuous basis of individuals , groups or businesses against agreed performance criteria .
3 With the growth of international lending in both domestic and foreign currencies most banks have increased their staff numbers and resources devoted to the assessment of country risk , although it has to be recognised that such a subject can never be reduced to an exact science .
4 Accordingly , other provisions of the Act relating to the assessment of benefit , charging orders burdens of proof and enforcement are also applicable .
5 In particular , when it comes to the assessment of efficacy , there is often no single physicochemical parameter that is adequate to predict clinical performance .
6 With regard to the assessment of fitness for interview , a key issue is the need for any standardised approach to incorporate a record of the reasons for particular decisions .
7 Bowel scintigraphy using Indium-111 labelled leucocytes has been applied to the assessment of disease extent and activity in Crohn 's disease .
8 The Department of Education and Science use the most transparent and crude approach to the assessment of deprivation .
9 Overall , whilst this variation undoubtedly includes examples of good assessment practice , there is also evidence that the general level of social services assessment of older people is restricted to the assessment of need for specific services , often requested by a carer , a general practitioner , or other third party , frequently undertaken by untrained ancillary staff ( Means , 1981 ; Black et al. , 1983 ; Bowl , 1986 ) .
10 Although not everyone will agree that the condition of , for instance , educational buildings can be adequately judged without an educational view , the main point which the Commission was making was that information was the key to the assessment of quality in education .
11 Both Surveys contain a good deal of information relevant to the assessment of living standards including expenditure data ( from the FES ) , indicators of health and social participation ( from the GHS ) and data on the possession of assets ( from both Surveys ) .
12 The Inland Revenue eventually decided that this practice was contrary to the legislation on PRP schemes , and put an end to it in a Statement of Practice ( SP7/92 , see ACCOUNTANCY , October , p 103 ) .
13 Furthermore , it might be argued from Case 131/86 United Kingdom v. Council , where the Court looked at the preparatory measures to the legislation in question in order to determine whether it was genuinely intended to be agricultural legislation , that the Court might investigate whether there had been a genuine consideration of the question of subsidiarity .
14 This is especially valuable to the birds in winter when supplies of ‘ natural ’ food are at a premium .
15 Tikhon was arrested at the end of April and charged with advocating resistance to the confiscation of church treasures .
16 They and the popular movement have their roots in both the growth of nationalist fervour in the late 1960s and early 1970s , which parallelled the growth of anti-colonial and ‘ Third World ’ nationalist movements elsewhere , and in the call from the leadership of the Catholic church during the same period for ‘ a preferential option for the poor ’ which gave a new focus to the efforts of church organizations in this predominantly Catholic country .
17 But what stylistic value shall we attach to the metricality of prose ?
18 From the Lamb it is on and up again to the Shoulder of Mutton for the last pint , and then the long pull up to the finish at the Dog and Gun .
19 Management procedures w will relate , will only contain procedures relating to the admin of safety matters .
20 The uncertainty which the food shortage created also led to the hoarding of food by those fortunate enough to be able to purchase it .
21 In the IR , the usual presentation of the spectrum in terms of transmittance T means that peak height is not linearly related to the intensity of absorption .
22 Whilst many local authorities in Scotland appear to be rolling forward the present DSS rates , we are keen to move away from a flat-rate fee which bears little relation to the intensity of service ( and costs incurred ) in meeting the needs of different people .
23 A is related to the intensity of light I that is transmitted compared with the initial intensity I by
24 However , this long term toxicity of alkylating agents has been shown to be related to the intensity of therapy given and is very unlikely to occur with the low dose needed to treat our patients .
25 These films were often independently funded and distributed through a network of art-house cinemas and educational establishments ; but whilst trying to create an alternative circuit they were also subject to the dangers of marginalisation and exclusivism .
26 In the light of his experience and expertise at Llandough hospital in my constituency , he has alerted people in Wales to the dangers of smoking , the burdens that smoking places on the NHS and the tremendous damage that it does to health .
27 Dr Elizabeth McCloy , Director of Occupational Health and Safety at Manchester Central Hospitals Trust , UK , and a special adviser to the Viral Hepatitis Prevention Board ( VHPB ) , alerted delegates to the dangers of hepatitis B , which , despite being preventable , continues to pose a serious threat to healthcare workers .
28 Mr. Ashworth and Mr. McGregor point also to the extravagant lengths , as they would put it , to which some of the United States decisions have gone and to the dangers of conflict between the mother and her child , with the child suing for damages for injuries allegedly caused by the negligence of the mother before the child 's birth .
29 Planted at an altitude of between 100 and 200 metres , the higher situated vines are less prone to the dangers of frost and provide well-structured , fruity wines .
30 From February , 1992 , the UK Department of Health sponsored the broadcast of television commercials designed to alert parents to the dangers of VSA .
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