Example sentences of "to be of [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Her frantic attempts to push away those wide shoulders proved to be of no avail , and there was nothing she could do to prevent his mouth gently brushing her lips .
2 He still managed to get up the stairs in the pavilion to help launch Berkshire 's new sponsorship , but then perhaps he thought that the name of the sponsors — the Head Partnership — was far enough removed from his own problems to be of no concern .
3 The fact that some sufferers die of their addictive disease regardless of their awareness of the Anonymous Fellowships is not an argument in favour of the use of other methods of treatment which were manifestly of no help to those who did recover and which can be observed to be of no help to those who still suffer .
4 The suffering which inevitably follows shall be deemed to be of no consequence , because physical evolution itself disregards suffering , or regards it as an essential part of the process .
5 The suffering which inevitably follows shall be deemed to be of no consequence , because physical evolution itself disregards suffering , or regards it as an essential part of the process .
6 At the time the information had seemed to be of no consequence .
7 Hence , for the UK , the tax timing option appears to be of no value .
8 There are , however , certain promises and acts which , for various reasons of policy , are deemed to be of no value in law and which are therefore an insufficient consideration .
9 If the secondary legislation thus created is found by the courts to be ultra vires it will be deemed to be of no effect .
10 It appears to be of no importance that the covenant is broken by the exercise of a right granted by L2 's predecessor in title …
11 It was the nature of the place , he thought , perched up there on its remote peak , its back turned to the world , all the more obsessed with its petty intrigues and scandals because it knew them to be of no interest whatever to anyone else .
12 Twenty-three per cent of them thought that ‘ they could possibly be of some use with certain reservations ’ and 27 per cent of them considered them to be of no use at all .
13 Cook is the most observant woman , and parlourmaids have to be of a noticing cast of mind , otherwise they would n't be any good for the job , would they , sir ? ’
14 Sebastian 's ‘ holiday ’ had been meant to be of a fortnight 's duration only .
15 Nevertheless , they appear to be of a type that would be used in the manufacture of bulk chemicals . ’
16 By the time the children , taught solely lipreading and speech , were 5 or 6 years old there was a certain inadequacy in the levels of communication they could reach compared by a quotation in one book to be of a level ‘ scarcely above the signals we use to our pets ’ .
17 Social reform might assist such a victory , but it had to be of a kind which the Lords would not reject .
18 Hollywood blockbusters were still more likely to attract people than home-made films , ‘ perhaps because they are more likely to be of a genre which appeals to an escapist mentality during the recession ’ .
19 the main or background yarn has to be of a thickness your machine can knit , but the weaving yarn can be much thicker because it is n't actually knitting stitches .
20 After only 4000 reactor years worldwide , Chernobyl approached the worst conceivable nuclear reactor accident , which was previously estimated to be of a probability somewhere near 1 in 10,000 or even I in a million per reactor year .
21 Part or all of the aedeagus is held by some authors to be of a secondary , non-appendicular nature but others consider it to be formed by the division of the gonapophyses of the 9th abdominal segment , the two median halves fusing during development to form the penis while the lateral halves constitute the parameres .
22 The stereotyped view of a homeless person used to be of a drunkard who has slipped into the gutter as a result of a lifetime 's fecklessness and , more recently , the visible evidence of frankly mentally disordered people on city streets , the phenomenon of ‘ Cardboard City ’ and the increasing numbers of people sleeping rough has merely added to the belief that most homeless people are destitute wrecks or foolish youths .
23 It is nicely decorated and the centre appears to be of a fleur-de-lys design .
24 It would certainly appear to be of a representative or commemorative character however , which would make it one of the earliest of such scenes in Britain ( the most likely candidate for this honour is a possible chariot scene , from Exeter : Bidwell 1979 , pI .
25 ( Elsewhere , another angry gentleman of the period , Evelyn Waugh , had waited for his children to be of an age to converse with him , before taking an interest . )
26 ‘ Tell me , my lady — is it mere courtesy that makes the bells ring , that makes moonlight of a sudden more desirable than sunlight and makes one yearn for this Twelfth Night to be of the past ?
27 Several of the nearer birds got up and flew along the shore , revealing another feature which pin-pointed their origins : the lack of a white rump showed them to be of the race hudsonicus which breeds in northern Canada .
28 Because were on not going to be of the scale that you were suggesting
29 He was thinking how unconscious she seemed now to be of the awkwardness of their encounter .
30 Where Methodism succeeded locally it tended to be of the brand , Lady Huntingdon 's , which appealed most to middling townsfolk .
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