Example sentences of "to be take [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 People in Donegal listened earnestly to the priest , craning forward as if to show him that they were there , but did not seem to be taking in the words .
2 Both are to be taken via a nebuhaler ( he has excellent technique ) .
3 The figure related to the costs of the previous year 's bid defence against the hostile takeover attempt by Whyte & Mackay and had to be taken above the line as a result of the FRS 3 accounting rule .
4 Decisions also have to be taken about the admission of students : how many and on what basis ?
5 Secondly , there is the problem of the Northern catholic community , which tends to be taken as a monolithic nationalist community .
6 Their habits have probably always been similar , and if survival is to be taken as a measure of success , their conservative way of life has ensured them of a leading place in the evolutionary marathon .
7 In both cases decisions may have to be taken as a result of the information collected .
8 Similarly , the hero of The Prelude is taken from the ‘ educational processes ’ of the Lake District , Cambridge and so on , which take up the first half of the poem , and engages with society and history in the conflicts of the French Revolution ; the Revolution is not to be taken as a purely fortuitous occurrence , but the main event of the time , that which separates off the Modern Age from all that had gone before .
9 By 1819 , if Shelley is to be taken as a reliable guide , Wordsworth 's stock had gone down and down : ‘ He was at first sublime , pathetic , impressive , profound ; then dull ; then prosy and dull ; and now dull — oh so very dull ! it is an ultra-legitimate dulness ’ ( Dedication to Peter Bell the Third ) .
10 The domestically-oriented , nurturing talk of the miner 's wife , by contrast , is more likely to be taken as a product of her nature or her role than as a culturally-determined genre , and it is seen as something she shares with all other women .
11 Thus , in the Induction to The Taming of the Shrew — a unique example of a play outside the play , not to be taken as a measure by which the rest of the play must be dismissed for lacking seriousness — the tinker Christopher Sly , brought back in a drunken stupor to the house of a mischievous lord , is deceived into thinking that he is really a gentleman .
12 These claims were never universally accepted ; the destruction of the unity of Christendom by the Reformation helped to undermine the authority of the Pope to allocate territory , but it was Catholic France that first challenged Spain 's position in the West Indies and that conflict had been going on for some years when in 1559 , at the end of one round of European wars , France and Spain included in the peace treaty a clause which stated that fighting in regions west of the Azores or south of the Tropic of Cancer was not to be taken as a reason for resuming hostilities in Europe .
13 Wilkins had implied that the Bible was not to be taken as a scientific text since the Holy Spirit had used a form of words comprehensible to the common man .
14 The caveat , to state it simply , is that it is to be taken as a view of only our conception of what can be called standard effects : all those where the effects are not decisions , choices , like mental acts of persons , or ensuing actions .
15 The ability of a monopolist to earn profit , or an organization with social responsibilities to make losses , is hardly to be taken as a signal of economic efficiency .
16 The square brackets in ( 62 ) merely mark that the whole is to be taken as a complex entity , which is given anyway by our assumption that an E extended remains an E ; if the brackets are not needed in ( 61 ) why are they present in ( 62 ) ; alternatively , why not write them in in both cases ?
17 From the Aix-la-Chapelle peace of 1748 onwards every major international agreement involving the states of western and central Europe was in French ; and from the peace settlement of 1763 the hitherto frequent provision that this was not to be taken as a precedent was dropped .
18 Even if it had , the selfhood would be in the replicas of the gene scattered over different bodies ; that the gene , analogous though it is to species rather than to individual , has to be taken as the unit , is precisely because it is more useful for explanation to speak of the selfish gene than of the altruistic replica .
19 It is , however , the financial losses of retirement from the labour force that seem usually to be taken as the key to the involuntary shift from independence to dependency in old age .
20 The taxpayers ' contention is supported by certain unfair consequences which could ensue if the cost of the benefit is to be taken as the average cost .
21 However , the NIAAF are emphasising that the number travelling to Holland is not to be taken as the number likely to go the Commonwealth Games .
22 What period was to be taken as the ‘ trade cycle ’ over which government spending would balance ?
23 If physics is to be taken as the acme of scientific knowledge , then it would make sense to try to emulate the methods that physics uses to gain its knowledge , and where else could one go for this by way of a shortcut but to philosophy , the discipline that has been endlessly preoccupied with the foundations of human knowledge .
24 There is a place for the social PTA ‘ faggots and peas evening ’ or ten pin bowling at the George and Dragon , though it needs to be understood by all that attendance by staff at such social evenings is purely a matter of personal choice and not to be taken as an indicator of loyalty to the school .
25 Similarly , checklists completed by a teacher may not provide reliable information with respect to the child 's use of language at home and information provided by a parent , on the basis of the child 's abilities at home , ought not to be taken as an indication of the child 's performance in other settings .
26 Pairs of square brackets indicate that the enclosed formula is to be taken as an E , with round brackets for properties ; where it may be necessary to indicate that a sequence of E P is a clause within some larger construction rather than a simple entity-identifying expression , we shall use scroll brackets as our notational device .
27 ‘ Apparently he had a word with her while she was waiting to be taken along the line .
28 These papers are never to be taken outside a secure environment .
29 He had also won 12 England Youth caps and appeared in the World Youth Cup Finals in Australia in October 1981 , but neither here , or subsequently at Fulham , could he make sufficient impact to be taken onto the professional staff .
30 The individual schemes will need to be taken through the statutory planning process which will give the opportunity for further debate on the details of the route , construction standards and landscaping measures .
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