Example sentences of "to be [verb] by [n mass] " in BNC.

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1 This prism allows the beam from projectors 1 and 2 , in line and facing the camera , to pass through But projectors 3 and 4 are in line at right angles to this axis , and their beam has to be bent by 90° to hit the camera lens The prism also combines the two beams ( four images ) into the composite recorded on the camera stock .
2 Now that the grant 's to be cut by £200,000 at least 5 jobs will have to go .
3 Students ' attitudes on university funding are to be studied by means of the following design : where S 1 and S 2 are random samples of students starting their second and first years respectively interviewed at time T 1 .
4 Equally , incorrect invoices may need to be adjusted by means of a credit note issued by the supplier or a debit note raised by the builder .
5 Christians , especially , should be cautious about allowing themselves to be influenced by people who do not have the same life goals .
6 And even in France , businesses , especially large ones , are becoming too demanding to be run by people without firsthand experience and a proven success record .
7 The report recognized that in hospitals without a psychiatric unit the initial psychiatric and social evaluation might have to be undertaken by staff from the local psychiatric hospital .
8 A ‘ ticket of residence ’ had to be obtained by people staying in Madeira from the Police Authorities within forty-eight hours of their arrival in the island .
9 Anna needed society and needed to be accepted by people .
10 THE social fund is to be raised by £44 million to £346 million for 1993-94 , Nicholas Scott , the social security minister , said yesterday .
11 ‘ Yes , but why does it have to be raised by means of a levy ? ’
12 It is waiting to be built by people like us and socially useful design highlights one of the alternative choices .
13 Our customers expect to be served by people who are well turned out . ’
14 There , as Marx had noted , slaves are often classed with women and children and are often obtained in order to be adopted by people without descendants .
15 The maternity grant and the death grant , two benefits initiated in the Beveridge era but not properly updated in line with inflation , were abolished , to be replaced by means test-related benefits for the very poor .
16 The basic premise of the show is that music programming , by and large , patronizes the audience and seems to be made by people who stopped actually being interested in music , especially new and underground forms , long ago — TV people .
17 Direct incorporation of the Convention would reduce the number of cases which have to be taken to Strasbourg , improve access to justice by making it quicker and less costly to bring claims , and enable more ready use of the safeguards in the Convention to be made by people in this country .
18 More useful comparisons than those made in Table 4.4 are perhaps to be made by means of subgroup analysis , even though with this method one is necessarily handling very small numbers .
19 Control tends to be exercised by means of work and monitoring interactions .
20 THE Broadcasting Bill , to be debated by MPs tomorrow , directly affects the future of independent broadcasting .
21 A person who has a migraine or who has been spinning round and round , may feel as if he is reeling over , although there is no movement to be seen by people watching him .
22 When someone dies , then , there is a vast range of practical decision-making to be done by people who , as we have said , are likely to be shocked and in a state of indecision .
23 The acquirer will obviously want warranties and indemnities to be given by people with financial strength .
24 Although there were more than 100 British nationals killed in the accident there was no provision at that time for a State with such an interest to participate , but knowing that the minister was bound to be asked by MPs in the House what arrangements there were for investigating the cause of death of so many UK citizens I telephoned my old friend Michel Vigier in paris with a formal request that we might send a UK observer .
25 Pasha Naiz and his death were evocative in consequential ways ; they were part of an idiom which was largely inexplicit ( though not unstructured ) but which has to be made explicit if it is to be understood by people who do not have it .
26 Salaries were to be increased by 9% , full London Weighting of £1776 to be given to all London staff , but there was to be no reduction in differentials .
27 Excise duty on cigarettes was to be increased by 16p per packet .
28 THE Social Fund budget is to be increased by £3 million to increase allocations to 100 offices where applications have been higher than expected , Mr Tony Newton , Social Security Secretary , announced in a written answer .
29 Admission prices are to be increased by 10pc next season , even though the Tyneside club only narrowly escaped relegation to the Third Division in the worst season in their 100-year history .
30 In Theory and Methods of Social Research Johan Galtung makes a useful distinction between a ‘ substantive ’ hypothesis ‘ which is about social reality and to be tested by means of the data ’ and a ‘ generalization ’ hypothesis ‘ which is about the data ’ .
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