Example sentences of "to and [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The implication is — again drawing on the ‘ children 's single-sex peer groups ’ argument — that all-women talk might be a kind of bottom line for descriptions of women 's speech styles ; this is the ‘ natural ’ case , existing prior to and outside the power effects observable when women talk to men .
2 Another distinction is between so called European type options which can only be exercised on the settlement day , and American type options which can be exercised at any time up to and including the settlement day .
3 TYPE in the text of Task 21 up to and including the word ‘ keyboards ’ .
4 Such was the pattern up to and including the minority of James V. With Mary 's , it became abundantly clear that the age of limited political struggles was over .
5 Political leadership of the cause remained , into the 1830s , in the hands primarily of the upper echelons of the Anglican middle class but mass support depended upon the activism of evangelical dissent down to and including the artisan class .
6 4.1 the Rent payable without any deduction by equal quarterly payments in advance on the usual quarter days in every year and proportionately for any period of less than a year the first such payment being a proportionate sum in respect of the period from and including the Rent Commencement Date to and including the day before the quarter day next after the Rent Commencement Date to be paid on the date of this Lease and
7 You can apply to join from the date of your sixteenth birthday , up to and including the date of your twenty-eighth birthday .
8 His close-set eyes daily reviewed documents which would otherwise only be seen by perhaps half a dozen people — up to and including the President himself .
9 Suffice to say , I refused point-blank to be employed , and shook my head firmly up to and including the moment I said ‘ Yes ’ .
10 Stage 2 is the selection , ordering and acquisition of book and non-book material purchased through the project grant , up to and including the utilisation of those resources by the children themselves .
11 5.4.2 ‘ up to and including the Director . ’
12 All the same , the 31-year-old Bath half-back , first-choice up to and including the World Cup Final against Australia 13 months ago , has lost his place on the bench to Steve Bates of Wasps and on the plane that tomorrow flies the England squad to Lanzarote .
13 ( 8 ) Subject to the provisions of Ord 19 , r 6 in respect of claims involving £1,000 or less , the costs of the action up to and including the entry of judgment shall be in the discretion of the arbitrator to be exercised in the same manner as the discretion of the court under the provisions of the County Court Rules ( Ord 19 , r 5(2) ) .
14 Because the endoscopical findings in RP often include serpiginous ulcerations , fissures , and ileitis proximal to the pouch , the syndrome has often been attributed to underlying Crohn 's disease , the diagnosis of which had presumably been ‘ missed ’ both clinically and pathologically up to and including the time of colectomy .
15 While these descriptions of the semantic value of to + infinitive are too specific to be adequate characterizations of the potential meanings involved here ( in fact they correspond to actual meanings of the construction in particular contexts ) , they are nevertheless faithful reflections of the potential meaning of to and of the fact that the latter always evokes the bare infinitive 's event as an after-position with respect to some position before its realization .
16 What does the inclusion of Africans or African-Americans do to and for the work ?
17 " the Under Roome of the howse wherein the Schoole ys nowe kepte to and for the use of the Schoole to be kepte theere for ever .
18 Colleagues , the de-recognition and non-recognition of trade unions in the U K has fast become the central challenge to and for the trade union movement , particularly as this government is committed to accelerating the de-recognition process .
19 One of the most challenging walks is the Ridge Trek , a strenuous hike leading up to and along the ridge of the Kincardine Hills on the northern edge of the forest park .
20 Under this category there are also requests for assistance which amount to acts of community welfare , such as calls to lift aged and disabled people on to and off the toilet as well as into bed , and calls from very distressed pensioners and young children concerning lost pets ( on the police as a social service see Punch 1979b ; Punch and Naylor 1973 ) .
21 As with the Glasgow Road junction , the projected heavy traffic flows through this junction and also the requirement for traffic movement on to and off the bypass in both north and south directions pointed to the need for an intersection catering for all traffic movements .
22 Respondents had sharply different views of what liability they were subject to and about the extent of their liability , and had varying arrangements to meet any perceived potential liability .
23 So , for by far the greater part of humanity , the fortunes of life still depended on what happened to and on the land .
24 As stipulated above , if a property is being sold subject to and with the benefit of existing tenancies , instead of vacant possession of the whole property being given , the buyer will require an authority addressed to each tenant signed either by the seller-landlord or by his or her solicitor notifying the tenant of the sale and authorising the tenant to pay future rent to the buyer ( see Chapter 9 , head 7 ) .
25 Instead he went flat out for the green and hit a magificent draw , or even a hook , on to and over the green .
26 Since the first of these measures runs counter to the purposes of binding , it can not be considered acceptable ; it is suggested , therefore , that , wherever possible , current procedures for channelling material to and through the bindery be investigated , with a view to reducing to a minimum the time which such items spend off the shelf .
27 THE COMPUTERS on board HMS Sheffield functioned effectively prior to and during the attack ; allegations that the Exocet missile was mistakenly identified as friendly are without foundation .
28 Copies of directors ' service contracts of more than one year 's duration must be available for inspection during normal business hours at the registered office from the date of notice of the annual general meeting until the date of the meeting and must be made available for at least 15 minutes prior to and during the meeting .
29 A statement of directors ' share transactions and copies of their service contracts are available for inspection during normal business hours at the registered office from the date of this notice until the date of the annual general meeting and will be available at the place of the meeting for fifteen minutes prior to and during the meeting .
30 Prior to and during the review , I collected copies of all the relevant documents produced by the school .
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