Example sentences of "to be a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The conclusion is not supposed to be a bland endorsement of the essay title or a simple restatement of what has gone before .
2 In 1945 contributory negligence ceased to be a complete defence and became grounds for apportioning liability .
3 This Melanie of his had to be a complete idiot to prefer someone else .
4 Designed to be a complete teaching package , Fanfare does not need to be supplemented by any additional material .
5 ‘ Now we 're saying that there has to be a complete ban on overtime and that they should resist moral blackmail . ’
6 It was to be a complete history of the London Underground .
7 The two understudies were asked to come back on the Friday afternoon , when there was going to be a complete run of the play for the producers and Malcolm Harris .
8 Psychologist Mary Russell never even thought about reincarnation until she was in her late 30s , when her life seemed to be a complete mess .
9 Coal flecked bacon and sausage will be a sharp reminder of reality in what 's meant to be a complete surrender to fantasy .
10 The arrival of the ‘ Extremities , Dirt And Various Repressed Emotions ’ album seemed to provide an apt moment to compile the required discography and , thanks to help from readers John Elliot of Hawick and Mark from Sheffield along with Frank O'Donnell and his valiant cohorts at PolyGram , I 've managed to piece together what would seem to be a complete run-down .
11 In what was claimed to be a complete coincidence , Israel launched Ofek 2 , its second space satellite , on April 3 [ for launch of Ofek 1 in September 1988 see p. 36637 ] .
12 It 's got to be a complete day . ’
13 Let us pay Lord Taylor the courtesy of assuming that he does not believe the social circle of the average judge to be a complete guide to right thinking .
14 Even as a poisoner , not , you would have thought , the most demanding of professions , he seemed to be a complete failure .
15 This short section does not purport to be a complete statement of the legal position regarding vertical activity .
16 It comes from an American baseball player named Thompson , purchased at colossal expense by a Japanese team , who , when he arrived , turned out to be a complete dud , incapable even of hitting the ball .
17 The songs fell together in a muddy pool of short-sighted production : not a bad début album by any standards but this was intended to be a complete signal post in the history of popular music .
18 ‘ This is turning out to be a complete disaster for Darlington .
19 He had given a picture of religion , which represented it as primarily concerned with guilt , with taboos against incest , and as er , representing the origins of civilization in primeval societies like those of the Australian Aborigines , and Freud erm , remarks in the opening pages of Civilization and Discontents that Totem and Taboo was never meant to be a complete theory of religion .
20 But he said there would have to be a complete overhaul of the electoral system first .
21 This is not one of the chronicler 's purple passages , but seems to be a sober report of the negotiations , and it matters a great deal .
22 Distributed at present in Kenya , Uganda and Zimbabwe , it aims to be a pan-African magazine , appealing to a general readership .
23 Many more Israelis ( most of whom , after all , describe themselves as religious and traditional , rather than secular ) consider Shulamit Aloni , the minister of education , to be a vile enemy with a passionate hatred of the Jewish faith and faithful .
24 ‘ For the resurrection of what appeared to be a dying company with the introduction of exciting new cars , such as the Viper and the LH range , and the complete restructuring of is manufacturing and financial base ’
25 Considered in the mid 1970s to be a dying village , with its school in danger of closing , Langtoft 's population is now on the increase as property development flourishes .
26 She was wearing what appeared to be a borrowed jacket in place of her own heavy overcoat and shawl , something light enough to allow her to carry on even though the sun might go behind a cloud every now and again .
27 The close correlation between the data obtained from these two sources suggests that recall error is unlikely to be a confounding factor .
28 Thus a familial component is unlikely to be a confounding variable between gestational age and wheeze in children .
29 The notion of identity and of healthy identity stemming from knowledge of and contact with one 's family of origin seems to be a crucial concept .
30 In his classic book The Prophets , Abraham Heschel has shown that Amos , Hosea , Jeremiah and Isaiah all considered their own input to be a crucial part of their message .
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