Example sentences of "to be [prep] [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 After the wedding , they were taken for breakfast to the house of the officiating priest which by curious coincidence happened to be to Kensington Church Walk , where Ezra Pound had lived many years before .
2 Lighting columns now have to be to regulation safety standards , and it is hoped that the new lights chosen will be complementary to the street .
3 The US Navy , despite the episode involving the Stark and another in which the USS Vincennes , believing herself to be under air attack , released the missile that shot down an Iran Air Airbus , had the satisfaction of catching an Iranian makeshift mine-layer , the Iran Ajr , with its mines on board , and confiscated both ship and cargo .
4 In 1989 Gray had been reported to be under FBI investigation concerning alleged payroll padding .
5 However , as of late March both bases were still believed to be under rebel control .
6 There was in fact retaliation in any case , and it might even be argued that this silence on the part of the radio — which everyone knew to be under government control — actually encouraged angry Luos to believe that a Kikuyu conspiracy existed within the Government .
7 Col. Iafai Camara was reported to be under house arrest in November [ see p. 37842 ] , but charges were reported to have been dropped and he remained in post .
8 In 1988 Lieutenant-General Maher Abd al-Rashid , war hero of campaigns in the south and described at one time as having fought a ‘ perfect tank battle ’ in the desert near the Howeizah marshes , was said to be under house arrest .
9 The choice seems to be between Stoke backroom staff Chic Bates and Peter Henderson .
10 If any divide is to emerge , it is more likely to be between adult care and child care services .
11 So it seems to be about school anxiety and exam anxieties and so , but those are very common kinds of dreams , but , but very often when you you find they 're actually about the present , they 're about some recurrent anxiety or conflict in the present which is masquerading as if it were in the past because your associations of what 's going on are connected with the past er one way or another .
12 ‘ The biggest point that hit me was how much Pay and File was going to be about cash management — juggling around with over- and underpayments .
13 The local store is rumoured to be considering Sunday closing after the loss of its most loyal customer !
14 Amendments made : No. 82 , in page 59 , line 34 , at end insert — ( ) In section 65B ( provision for recorded children who have ceased to be of school age ) after subsection ( 6 ) there shall be inserted the following subsection — ( 6A ) Without prejudice to the generality of paragraph ( c ) of subsection ( 6 ) above , the reference in that paragraph to any other body shall include a reference to the board of management of a college of further education ( within the meaning of Part I of the Further and Higher Education ( Scotland ) Act 1992 ) making provision from which , in the opinion of the authority , the child might benefit .
15 Fellows , who will be expected to be of PhD status and/or to have an appropriate track record , retain their permanent employment so that their salary position and superannuation arrangements are undisturbed by the secondment .
16 The latest military technology was to be used in the construction of forts ( kreposti ) which were to be surrounded by massive earthworks , and to be of stone construction , unlike the seventeenth century ostrogi .
17 In Yorkshire the houses of the period tend to be of stone rubble while in the former Wiltshire downlands they are more often than not made of cob , a mixture of chalk , straw and manure , or of flint rubble .
18 It is a wildlife site acknowledged to be of world conservation importance under the Ramsar criteria ( the Ramsar Convention ) , which has been signed by Britain , exists to preserve wetlands of world importance ) and protected under British law as a 600-acre site of special scientific interest .
19 What a shame that Andy Nicol is not a few years younger , for he too showed himself to be of world class in last year 's celebration of New Zealand 's centenary , when he played for the World XV in Christchurch .
20 Any such artefact may seek either to proclaim or to hide the material used and the constraints the material has imposed upon the technological process : a mask may be thought to incorporate the spiritual properties of the wood from which it is taken ; a group of people may refuse to purchase an item known to be of seal skin ; a plastic may seek to copy a more traditional material ; the gold from which an object is made may have far greater significance than the actual form into which it has been hammered .
21 The lunar maria , nearly all of which are located on the near side , also seem to be of impact origin , with subsequent infill by rather dark material .
22 Mr O.G.S. Crawford believes the Jurassic Way to be of Iron Age date in view of its strong associations with hill-forts and finds of this period , though he does not dismiss the possibility of its being older .
23 To be for animal welfare , as distinct from merely being against animal cruelty , is to believe that we have a duty to improve the quality of animal life , by ensuring — so far as this is possible — that other animals are the beneficiaries of what is good for them , not merely that we should avoid being cruel to them .
24 And the Saint reckons Prenton is the place to be for Merseyside football at the moment .
25 Oh that 's erm your objection er was nobody had seen me and you did n't really answer the question clients by coming in to their homes you know , Martin made the comment er that in actual fact nobody had seen them seen them in six or seven years so I thought that was a possibility for a just er oh n maybe not as deep a but nevertheless erm there was a good , good pause er er how did you er come to be with Friends Provident er you , it was good that you asked er er if the wife would be attending the second meeting , that was an important thing .
26 On The Other Hand used to be with Downpatrick trainer Jeremy Maxwell and is now with National expert Gordon Richards who bought him out of John Mulherne 's yard recently .
27 Add to this the development in artificial lighting where the emphasis tends to be on cost saving and it is not surprising to find that this preference has more to do with the building professional 's training than satisfying the needs of the occupants .
28 Costs — Taxation — Costs on indemnity basis — Mortgagee contractually entitled to full indemnity for all costs , charges and expenses — Costs in litigation to be taxed on standard basis — Mortgagor objecting to items in account as being unreasonable — Whether contractual charges to be taxed — Whether basis of taxation for all charges and legal costs to be on indemnity basis — R.S.C. , Ord. 62 , r. 12(2)
29 You do not need to be on income support to get a crisis loan but you must be able to show that it is the only means of preventing serious risk to you or your partner 's health and safety .
30 Erlich was content just to be on home territory .
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