Example sentences of "to the [noun prp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Lastly , all that Louis IX abandoned in favour of Henry III — his fiefs and domains in Limousin , Quercy , and Périgord ( the so-called ‘ three dioceses ’ ) and all that remained to the Plantagenets of the ancient duchy of Aquitaine — was to be held by the king of England as an hereditary fief .
2 The Trunchbull simply grabbed me by one ear and rushed me to The Chokey at the double and threw me inside and locked the door .
3 This year 's films will include footage of the refitting and return to the Mersey of the tug Applegarth , which sank in the late 50s .
4 To his surprise , he was not asked for McLean : ‘ Widening gulf ’ details of the attacks , but about the origins of the SMG 's involvement with the case , which had originally been referred to the SMG by the council .
5 Now we can sail to the Pacific of the mystics , and go beyond the dreams of Cook and Bougainville for we are pilots and navigators of an infinite sea .
6 The nature of Russia 's ‘ conquest ’ , ‘ subjugation ’ , ‘ annexation ’ or ‘ assimilation ’ of Siberia has been the subject of a good deal of historical debate , and is indeed discussed briefly in some of the following chapters , particularly those by Basil Dmytryshyn , David Collins and James Forsyth — the last concentrating on the ambiguous impact of the incoming Slavs on the aboriginal Siberian peoples — but what is important to underline in this introductory essay is that Muscovy 's expansion from the Urals to the Pacific in the seventeenth century was in a sense the territorial and colonial complement to the institutional consolidation of the political power of the Russian autocratic state .
7 But now that the human misery of the transition is over and forgotten , and now that we see modern Peterborough , we may perhaps be grateful to the Cecils for the feudal obstinacy which kept their town from growing , and preserved it for our pleasure today .
8 I hope to send the document to the DoE via the Welsh Office in the next couple of weeks and to publish it late in May .
9 It played at , among other places , the newly formed Leicester Square Jazz Club which met in premises belonging to the NSPCC over the Café de l'Europe .
10 We have increased , to £12 million , the grant to the NHMF for the purchase of historic properties , objects and collections .
11 Branson then spoke to the Clarkes on the telephone .
12 We crossed the western main line by a bridge to get to the G.W.S. Outside the first shed was King George V. We went to see the broad gauge track layout with the transit shed and broad gauge signal and after that took a look at the carriage shed which contained some clerestory coaches .
13 When Sunderland came to the Manor in the league in December less than 2,000 Weirsiders saw them lose 3-0 .
14 Old reflexes and outsider instincts , along with its army 's need for cash ( see page 76 ) , make it want to duck great-power responsibilities and go on quietly selling dangerous nuclear technologies to the Irans of the world , and missiles and other advanced equipment to rogue regimes anywhere .
15 If people coming down from the North wearing British Coal Rugby League jumpers think they 're travelling away from home and the event is rather special , imagine the feelings of an Australian as he goes up that long concourse to the Vatican of the inflated rubber bladder .
16 With companies being urged to look to the EC for the chance to expand now that the single market has come into force , this new service is intended to make it easier , particularly for smaller and medium-sized businesses , to take advantage of possibilities they might not otherwise get to hear about .
17 The study , conducted by a leading provider of export insurance , reveals that the value of losses reported by UK companies exporting to the EC over the last five years rose by 248 per cent .
18 Hungarians , Poles , Yugoslavs , and in time Czechs , are not drawn to the EC in the hope that it may become wider and looser .
19 His mother was now the wife of one of the estate carpenters , and the boy was Jean-Paul 's son , fathered after a drinking bout , during his first visit to the Loire after the war .
20 NC protein is present in the capsid during reverse transcription , as indicated by the fact that it promotes the positioning of the primer tRNA to the PBS for the initiation of reverse transcription .
21 The only other party to win any seats was the predominantly Moslem USNO , another BN member and the chief opponent to the PBS in the Sabah Assembly .
22 The most recent observation of the region with a filled-aperture telescope is the 20' resolution survey made at 2.3GHz : the map shown in Fig. 2 illustrates the relationship of the source to the SNR in the MOST map and the galactic ridge .
23 The first course to be approved was in fact in Scotland , and was submitted to the CNAA with the support of the Scottish Education Department in 1970 .
24 When he retired from the chair Frank Hornby sent in a note about Clapham 's contribution to the CNAA in the early years .
25 The question of the relationship with the CNAA was provoked in 1965 by an approach to the CNAA from the Scottish Woollen Technical College at Galashiels to validate a degree in textile design .
26 The Emperor emerged from the cathedral itself at half past seven , escorted by the Abuna , the Patriarch of Alexandria and the Etchege , the senior monk of the realm who ranked second to the Abuna in the hierarchy of the Ethiopian Church .
27 I do n't particularly like driving to the Dordogne through the night with the car almost on two wheels . ’
28 The chapel of the transept , to the Madonna of the Tree , is by Francesco Maria Richini , an architect whose work adorns much of the city .
29 She could tell her mother she had begun a novena to the Madonna of the Spasm in the Cathedral ; she might come across Tommaso then , somewhere in town , in the square , by the bocce game , and ask him if he would get her an ice cream too .
30 Rosalba prayed to the Madonna of the Spasm in particular , the statue in the church in Rupe who had once wept real tears in sympathy with someone who had prayed to her with a heart full of sorrow too .
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