Example sentences of "to [pn reflx] [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We 'll go down again now , but let's keep to ourselves for a while . "
2 ‘ I 'd prefer to keep our secret to ourselves for a bit , ’ Adam said firmly .
3 Another chap , he 's a big name in a church in Buckley he was a an old neighbour of ours and I never liked cos he used to himself with a bowler hat on they are only back twenty years , you know , bowler hats !
4 All the men on the camp were housed in brick built barrack blocks , and J. even had a little room to himself with a radiator .
5 He blinked , and came to himself with a start .
6 ‘ Be quiet , child , ’ said Philip , laying a hand restrainingly on Harry 's arm , though he would have preferred to lay it about his ears if he could have had him to himself for a moment .
7 For instance , someone who acts out neurotic conflicts by committing crimes like theft or robbery may be able to represent these activities even to himself as a response to material need rather than unconscious compulsion .
8 He kept himself to himself as a rule , except for meals : attended what lectures he chose , and cut the rest .
9 This may have been because he defined " help " to himself as a putting right of something that had gone wrong , a restoration of some earlier , good " normal " state , and he was not sure that such a state had existed or could exist .
10 That 's really the interpretation of extrovert and introvert and the fact that it can apply to you know being loud and gregarious as an extrovert or being quiet and keeps to himself as an introvert that 's more of a popular view which is n't the sort of thing we 're trying to put across .
11 On the question of money , Stan refers to himself as an entrepreneur .
12 Carrefour sat on a low wall that stretched out from the side of a building , leaning his back against the building 's wall and tootling to himself on a child 's flute .
13 Paisley had based his assertion about the danger to himself on a warning from inside the security forces and this fact meant that he could not establish the credibility of it by revealing the source of his information .
14 He stood in it , his clothes and skin steaming , dripping water into the urine-scented callbox , called her number , listened to it ring , called again , saying the numbers to himself like a chant , making sure his finger was in the right hole on the dial each time .
15 Asquith 's fall was the result of his own miscalculation , especially of his reluctance to believe that the Unionists would prefer Lloyd George to himself in a contest .
16 Graham reluctantly pushed one of the cassettes into the system , waved the cigarette smoke irritably from his face , then turned his attention to the New York skyline and started to name the numerous skyscrapers to himself in an attempt to pass the time .
17 Suggesting something which the child can say to himself/herself in a crisis ( 'self-talk ’ ) can be surprisingly helpful : ‘ I am in control ; I can manage .
18 ft store by the Newcastle developer 's City and Northern Ltd. at Hill heads Industrial Estate , and the local authority 's grant of planning permission to itself for a superstore at Red House Farm , both in Whitley Bay .
19 You wo n't have to live with the car that draws attention to itself with a banshee wail every time you floor it in 2nd .
20 The baby was lying in a cradle of osiers , crooning to itself like a wood-pigeon .
21 What she 'd been doing was missing breakfasts and lunches and dinners in an effort to accommodate Silvia 's erratic time-keeping — and still failing to do the stipulated six hours a day , she thought to herself with a dart of misery .
22 Hector whined his impatience , bringing Theda back to herself with a start .
23 Always insists on a room to herself with a lock on the door . ’
24 The top was of gleaming steel which Mrs Curdle rubbed up daily with emery paper , hissing gently to herself like a groom to a horse , as her busy hand slid back and forth across the satin of the surface .
25 Dorothea gathered her wits , calm and reassuring even to herself in a crisis .
26 It 's a position that 's only too familiar to myself as an ex-member of the Camel Laird workforce .
27 I think I 'll keep it to myself for a while .
28 ‘ Besides , if we hurry home , I can have you all to myself for a while before they come . ’
29 Anyway , now that I 've got you to myself for a moment can we make some plans ?
30 Later that evening , going on my farewell walk round Cuzco , I fought to be positive , talking to myself like a character in a novel I was reading at the time , David Copperfield 's aunt .
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