Example sentences of "to [v-ing] [noun pl] at the " in BNC.

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1 Many of them are reportedly gun-happy , and have taken to firing shots at the river dolphins .
2 I look forward to meeting shareholders at the Annual General Meeting on 25 May .
3 Subscriptions to the Supporters affords a wide range of benefits including free admission to paying exhibitions at the Tate Gallery Liverpool and the Tate Gallery in London , invitations to exclusive private views , special Supporters events and visits to other galleries .
4 We can congratulate ourselves on the forecasts which led to fixing fees at the right levels , but commercial criteria are not the only means of judging the fortunes of professional institutes .
5 The government 's efforts to wipe out bourgeois liberalism abated during the summer of 1987 but many had suffered , from Hu Yaobang at the top to graduating students at the bottom .
6 Lack of direction led to meandering aims at the World Bank during the 1980s .
7 Lord Young , speaking as deputy chairman of the Conservative Party , to shipping magnates at the London Hilton , told them : ‘ I am proud of the situation in Rover today .
8 Valenzuela admits to beating prisoners at the moment of their detention , hauling them to the torture rooms , watching them writhe and holding them down .
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