Example sentences of "to [v-ing] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Graphs Bar graphs to record results of research into community prior to building of new leisure centre/road/railway station .
2 SUGAR CERTAINLY ARE LOUD , and besides some reinvigorated guitar mangling , Bob 's back to singing at top holler .
3 ‘ If we abandon nuclear power , we abandon them to competing for declining energy sources at a price they will clearly not be able to afford . ’
4 There was one teacher employed in the prison , who undertook education at all levels from basic literacy to assisting with open university degrees .
5 A WRITTLE Agricultural College technician was banned from driving for a year and fined £270 with £35 costs by Witham magistrates yesterday after pleading guilty to driving with excess alcohol .
6 Roberts , who pleaded guilty to driving with excess alcohol in his breath , was given an absolute discharge but banned from driving for 12 months .
7 Lord Apsley appeared before Cirencester Magistrates today and pleaded guilty to driving with excess alcohol .
8 At an earlier hearing , he 'd pleaded guilty to driving with excess alcohol in his blood .
9 John Turnbull , 49 , of Minehead Gardens , Silksworth , Sunderland , was yesterday banned from driving for three years , fined £450 and ordered to pay costs of £25 by Durham City magistrates after pleading guilty to driving with excess alcohol .
10 The obvious example is , which is restricted to occurring in pre-vocalic position in RP but in many other accents is not restricted in this way .
11 Quinn is close to returning to first-team football following a knee injury and Atkinson has noted that the 29-year-old Merseysider would not be cup-tied .
12 Since the electoral registration officer is authorised by statute to sell copies of the electoral register , address lists from this source are fairly and lawfully obtained ; objections to trading in other address lists can be circumvented if , at the time of the initial collection of information , it is made clear that addresses will be passed on unless the data subject expressly objects .
13 While not necessarily dealing with the most important , nor the most contentious , matters , the criminal justice legislation , by virtue of its comprehensiveness and regularity , suggests more of a systematic approach to keeping in good repair the administration of justice and the working of the penal system than can be substantiated by events .
14 I would like to know if an easily accessible written package , with information on topics such as diagnosis , psychiatric drugs and their side effects , how to adjust to living with mental health problems in the family and so is available , or if there are any leaflets on the subject .
15 To help you here are my five best tips to living with imperfect software :
16 The 2/2 Independent Company could now fulfil this role because they had remained a cohesive force , not just as a result of their training and leadership but in no small measure because these were men used to living in dry country and capable of fending for themselves in the basic departments of survival .
17 And enjoys a perfect night 's sleep — deep , clear , and refreshing , like gliding down through sunlit water on a hot day ; such a perfect night 's sleep that he is entirely unconscious of how much he is enjoying it , or of its depth , clarity , and refreshingness , or its resemblance to gliding through sunlit water on a hot day ; so perfect that from time to time he half wakes , just enough to become conscious of how unconscious of everything he is .
18 In addition to acting as local pilot to some of the remoter islands during our stay , there were trips by car to all the more interesting spots on shore such as the old village of Skara Brae , the Churchill Barrier and the Italian Chapel .
19 If the exchange has a contractual duty of care , it is probably limited to acting with reasonable care and skill in the best interests of the market as a whole , and for legitimate reasons .
20 My own view is that while that type of system will be important in the future it may not have the central role assumed for it by John Alvey — hence my plea For more resources to be devoted to looking at real user needs and trying out alternatives to the IKBS approach .
21 Each side in turn went close to dispensing with extra time , Crown hitting a post then Paul Gascoigne having a chip turned on to the bar .
22 When , in a major exercise , Rank Xerox switched a number of specialised staff to operating as teleworking freelance consultants ( involving setup costs of just £1,300 per head and achieving savings in office expenses of £17,500 per worker in the first year of operation ) , sending instructions by electronic mail was not enough : a ‘ gossip line ’ was introduced so that they could keep up on office news .
23 Major complications that can occur include calorie loss due to vomiting with resultant growth failure and respiratory disease secondary to aspiration of refluxate .
24 It seems that there are definite survival advantages to believing in free will and responsibility for one 's actions .
25 Although the lengthy pause is also identified by Chafe ( 1979 : 176 ) as an indication of segmentation in his spoken discourse data comparable to paragraphing in written discourse , the intonational features we appealed to can have other , quite different , functions .
26 This acknowledgement of the debt [ normally by signing on the face of the bill ] gives the exporter more peace of mind as opposed to selling on open account terms , although there is still no guarantee of payment .
27 Rude , but true , because not for another two decades did the Scottish capital get around to paying for proper effluent disposal into the River Forth .
28 His 1911 book Political Parties argued that these organizations supposedly committed to ushering in democratic organization in fact showed all the essential characteristics of bureaucratic organizations , and a separation between leaders and led every bit as pronounced as that prevailing in industry or state agencies .
29 Resources which could be spent on health have been diverted to waiting for ill health and then trying to do something about it , usually with only limited effect .
30 It must be the influence of Jekyll and Hyde , which has been strong since John Barrymore grew long teeth and took to scuttling about dark expressionist streets , bashing and killing .
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