Example sentences of "to [noun prp] that [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 So , when they 'd finished performing I 've Got My Mojo Working , I pointed out to David that these people did n't really appreciate their music and David , being the sensitive soul that he is , burst into tears .
2 Josie 's mood seemed okay , which suggested to Lucy that any problems that her presence may have caused must now have been smoothed over .
3 When Birdie Mac in the sweet shop was unwise enough to say to Benny that those slabs of toffee were doing her no good at all , Eve 's small face flashed in a fury .
4 Karen , who had been warned before she came to Ireland that some things in the household were extremely pukka , nevertheless marvelled at the ease with which Jessica changed her plans , and marvelled at her attitude .
5 What is Warrington to Ireland or Ireland to Warrington that two children should have died and more lie injured ?
6 The Baron had been the Prince 's tutor at Oxford and was living proof to Sharpe that most education was a waste of effort , for none of Rebecque 's modest good sense had rubbed off on the Prince .
7 When I suggest to Hopkins that many abductees could in fact be drawing on repressed memories of childhood sexual abuse and , as a result of bad hypnosis , end up believing mistakenly that they were messed around with by aliens instead , he agrees it 's a possibility , but then argues that some cases of childhood sexual abuse may in fact be alien abductions .
8 In 1983 production increased from 58.3 MTOE ( 1982 ) to 61.5 MTOE and the Netherlands proposed to Britain that Dutch gas could replace Norwegian should the two parties be unable to reach an agreement on Sleipner as subsequently proved to be the case .
9 I mean you can see , it 's self evident as you travel to Strensall that that development has been highly successful and s and the s the final seventh point is that the A sixty four north east corridor can be well served by the public transport to achieve the close relationship between the workplace and home , as national policy now seeks .
10 It was on their return to London that both friends planned the portrait of Wallis .
11 ‘ But it was n't until I went to India that I cam to feel that humans were more than just mechanical responses .
12 In fact there was nothing ‘ reasonable ’ about it , and Bismarck knew this , for at the first whisper of Leopold 's appearance on the scene the French Ambassador had , officially , let it be known to Berlin that this candidacy would never be accepted by Napoleon III .
13 A large English naval campaign in 1372 had proved abortive , an expedition to relieve Brest in 1373 ineffective , a progress led by Gaunt from Calais to Bordeaux that same year a ‘ grandiose failure ’ , and a costly expedition to Brittany in 1375 too late to achieve its aim of influencing peace negotiations at Bruges .
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