Example sentences of "to [be] made between [art] " in BNC.

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1 Held , allowing the appeal and substituting a period of postponement not to exceed six months ( Sir George Waller dissenting ) , that for the purposes of making an order for sale in favour of a trustee in bankruptcy under s. 30 of the Law of Property Act 1925 no distinction was to be made between a case where a property was being enjoyed as the matrimonial home and one where it had ceased to be so used ; that where a spouse , having a beneficial interest in such property , had become bankrupt , the interests of the creditors would usually prevail over the interests of the other spouse and a sale of the property ordered within a short period ; that only in exceptional circumstances , more than the ordinary consequences of debt and improvidence , could the interests of the other spouse prevail so as to enable an order for sale to be postponed for a substantial period ; and that , accordingly , since the circumstances of the wives and their children , albeit distressing , were not exceptional , the order sought by the trustee should be made .
2 A member state was entitled to discriminate in the ages at which men and women became entitled to state pensions but it was not acceptable for a distinction to be made between the sexes as to the age of retirement : see Marchall v Southampton and SW Hampshire Area Health Authority ( Teaching ) ( 1986 ) ICR 335 ; Roberts v Tate & Lyle ( 1986 ) ICR 371 .
3 The whole is tied together by the notion of control although later a distinction was to be made between the authority of office and the authority of expertise .
4 ( There are extremely instructive comparisons to be made between the films that make up Manvell 's ‘ Miscellany ’ and the ‘ pantheon ’ of directors listed in the first , 1962 , issue of Movie — the changes are an eloquently stark illustration of the massive reorientation of British film culture . )
5 It requires a fine balance to be made between the sometimes competing needs of the school and its pupils and the needs and rights of the individual members of staff .
6 For example , distinctions often need to be made between the opinions of men and women , single people and married people , young people and old people .
7 But is there not a distinction to be made between the role of the unions in Labour 's internal democracy , and their role in society ?
8 They discovered that compromises had to be made between the descriptive criteria of frequency and range of language items and pedagogic criteria which were adduced from the assumed purpose or process of learning ( see Mackey 1965 : Chapter 6 ; Widdowson 1968 : Chapter 1 ) .
9 Links and connections will begin to be made between the way counsellees think or feel and the way they behave .
10 Instead of requiring a figure to be placed on quality of life , the SAVE approach requires a direct comparison to be made between the value of a given intervention ( for example , valve replacement in an 80 year old with severe aortic stenosis ) and saving the life of a young person , restoring him or her to full health .
11 However , there are some interesting comparisons to be made between the discourse of the physical scientists and that of the physicists .
12 " There is no longer any possible comparison to be made between the man who is actively organising the construction of socialism , and the man who is endeavouring to wreck it . "
13 Soviet-Egyptian relations remained close even after the death of Nasser in 1970 , and the following year , under his successor Anwar Sadat , the two states concluded a fifteen-year friendship treaty , the first of its kind to be made between the USSR and an Arab government .
14 In order to assess the redistributive impact of a particular policy , a comparison has to be made between the situation with the tax or expenditure in existence and that without , and this introduces a second major class of issues .
15 They argue that an important distinction is to be made between the capacities of capital and labour in recognising and acting on their best interests .
16 The number per minute of supraventricular and ventricular extrasystoles allowed comparisons to be made between the pre , per , and postendoscopy periods .
17 It is this confidence that is provided by Directory Integrity Check , since it allows a complete comparison to be made between the files in a directory/directory structure and their corresponding LIFESPAN modules .
18 This will allow comparisons to be made between the two years using aggregations devised by the researcher , rather than those imposed by the Census Offices .
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