Example sentences of "to [be] [verb] from a " in BNC.

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1 Fertility genes enable a plasmid 's genetic information to be transferred from a donor to a recipient strain .
2 It has even been known for an esteemed binder 's ticket to be transferred from a battered volume to a more handsome specimen with which he had no demonstrable connection .
3 The plaintiff had applied to a Mental Health Tribunal to be transferred from a secure hospital .
4 In 1977 a female student at the University of Missouri became the first patient to be turned from a woman to a man by means of surgery .
5 One broker was found to be operating from a telephone box at Heathrow airport .
6 Tariffs on passenger vehicles were to be reduced from 35 per cent in 1992 to 15 per cent by 2000 , and protection for textiles , clothing and footwear was to be cut from a maximum of 55 per cent to 25 per cent .
7 Customs duties were scheduled to be cut from a peak of 150 per cent to 110 per cent over three to four years , bringing them in line with other industrializing developing countries .
8 There is also benefit to be gained from a break or — better — a short sleep .
9 Assuming that a path can be found through the sometimes difficult terrain of the language , this book should show students the advantages to be gained from a collapse of boundaries between the disciplines of art and politics , and from a policy of inclusion rather than exclusion .
10 To judge from the faction of Nationalism Today , there might nowadays be financial or other advantages to be gained from a particular presentation of the conspiracy tradition .
11 There is , however , a lot to be gained from a consideration of Canova 's response to the human figure both as a starting point for the investigation of sculpture where ‘ dream , myth and reverie ’ are cited as key notes of interpretation , and an investigation of nuances of meaning which the application of the words ‘ sensual ’ or ‘ sensuous ’ may have when applied to sculpture , an art form which after all is made and largely understood through touch .
12 This module aims to provide a framework within which a student can maximise the benefits to be gained from a programme which integrates education , training and work experience .
13 Mr Hughes added : ‘ It is through educationalists and the message they will relay to our young people that we can tell the truth of the strengths and benefits to be gained from a multi-racial , multi-cultural society . ’
14 There can be fewer more devastating experiences in life than to be thrust from a situation of regular employment with all the stature that this entails , to becoming an enforced member of society 's underclass , the unemployed the situation with a total lack of dignity , ask anyone who tries to claim benefits , the situation with a loss of social standing and frustration at unachievable ambitions .
15 An historical event was seen to be constructed from a number of different ‘ happenings ’ perceived as having specific meanings .
16 It possesses , nevertheless , a striking richness and complexity , demanding to be examined from a variety of viewpoints , notably that of musical production ( in relation to general production in capitalist societies ) , that of musical form ( discussed by Adorno in terms of ‘ standardization ’ ) and that of musical reception and function ( which he sees as almost totally instrumentalized , in the service of the ruling social interests ) .
17 In other words , it is effectively a ‘ drive ’ rather than a stand-alone device , enabling data from Data Discman CD-ROMs to be accessed from a NEC 9800 .
18 From Philips ' point of view , DVI looks threatening because it enables full frame full motion video to be accessed from a standard CD-ROM .
19 An operator-initiated dialogue may be employed , with various options to be called from a menu in an order determined by the user .
20 The science of Radionics , now gaining respectability in some scientific circles due to the understanding that fields of subtle energy guide our consciousness , is a process which allows a total image of an individual 's life pattern to be recorded from a single cell or hair sample or any minute segment of the body .
21 On the other hand , imagine the embarrassment of calling a full-scale search out for somebody who is not only not in peril , but is mightily cheesed off to be awoken from a deep sleep by an RAF Sea-King helicopter blowing the filling out of their sleeping-bag ?
22 The term ’ prime cost sum ’ is defined in SMM6 as ’ a sum provided for work or services to be executed by a nominated sub-contractor , a statutory authority or a public undertaking or for materials or goods to be obtained from a nominated supplier ’ .
23 The Workshop aimed to draw on the experience of participants in exploring the benefits to be obtained from a deliberate encouragement of professional interaction between colleagues within and across , secondary schools .
24 The general information contained in a long-form valuation report is likely to be obtained from a variety of sources , oral or written , from within or outside the entity being reported upon ( for example , auditors ' files ) .
25 If the funds are to be obtained from a third party source , letters of support should be provided .
26 Multiparametric flow cytometric analysis allows dynamic data on cell kinetics to be obtained from a single injection and biopsy specimen .
27 To possess someone in the mind is to be saved from a brutal repudiation in reality , and instead to love the ethereal , which can neither disappoint nor satisfy , but only act as a goad .
28 The Labour party 's document makes it clear that Labour has forgotten every word , and that is why the country needs to be saved from a Labour Government .
29 Another reason why the country needs to be saved from a Labour Government is that it is bad enough to have the type of nonsense that went on in Luigi 's restaurant happening when the Labour party is in opposition , but it would be especially ridiculous if it happened with the Labour party in government .
30 To meet an estimated budget deficit for 1932 of 120 million , a majority of the committee recommended cuts in Government expenditure of 97 million : 67 million to be saved from a reduction in unemployment benefits and the remaining 30 million to be found out of taxation .
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