Example sentences of "to [noun prp] [prep] [adj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 By the time I first went to Moscow in 1987 the imperial decay had become all too apparent .
2 Sent it all to Viv with all the details , broke all the reference
3 The lack of judgement that led him to write to Routh in such a vein was Nora 's fault .
4 When the Kyburgers sold Burgdorf to Bern in 1384 the townsfolk had already acquired burgher rights .
5 ( With thanks to Zack and Nancy in the Press Department and to Kodak for all the facilities . )
6 The reduced responsiveness of gall bladder muscle to CCK by such an exogenous source of NO can probably be explained by the accumulation of cGMP in the gall bladder smooth muscle induced by NO .
7 It was hard to see what extra benefit would accrue to Honda from such a stake , especially when , in addition to the ventures already discussed , an agreement had been reached to assemble Honda cars in Rover factories on spare production lines in order to provide jobs for Rover workers .
8 Many thanks to Ron for such an interesting evening and we hope that he will give further shows in the future .
9 Mark prays to God at all the really bad times .
10 He still finds her extremely beautiful and she practically apologises to Pip for all the suffering that she put him through and tells him that she hopes they will still be friends ‘ apart ’ .
11 And , in spite of his apparent gawky straightforwardness , there 's a nervous , complex , almost impenetrable side to Dando beyond all the cute songs , stupid-fresh cover versions and slacker platitudes .
12 And the amount of help you get the day before your exams -the same morning I turned round to Hilary after all the work she 'd done with me and said , " I 'm going to fail , I 'm not doing it . "
13 I can imagine parents might like to send their daughters to her instead of having to go to London with all the problems of accommodation .
14 ‘ I go up to London for half a day , get myself a job , and what do I find when I get home , eh ?
15 One is that it is n't all just a question of the Scottish hierarchy being thralled to Rome in such a way that it can not do what it wants .
16 Gloucester opened negotiations with the dowager almost immediately , apparently claiming that he had been given custody of her and her land by the king , and by January 1473 the countess and her feoffees had agreed to make an estate to Gloucester in all the dower lands .
17 Gloucester opened negotiations with the dowager almost immediately , apparently claiming that he had been given custody of her and her land by the king , and by January 1473 the countess and her feoffees had agreed to make an estate to Gloucester in all the dower lands .
18 League vice president Gifford McConkey said : ‘ We are extremely fortunate to get these two teams to Belfast after such a hectic season .
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