Example sentences of "to [pers pn] by the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The research will monitor what coping strategies governing bodies are using to deal with the tasks and responsibilities given to them by the new educational legislation and will also focus on the identification of power relations ( including gender and race/ethnicity ) , decision making processes and networks of influence operating in the eight governing bodies .
2 The Comite de Madres y Familiares de Presos , Desaparecidos y Asesinados Politicos de El Salvador , Monsenor Oscar Arnulfo Romero was founded in 1977 by 12 mothers at a Christmas Eve supper offered to them by the late Archbishop .
3 The committee declined to accept the view put to them by the Joint Permanent Secretary to the Treasury that tribunals ought to be regarded as part of the machinery of public administration for which the Government should retain a close and continuing responsibility .
4 Thereafter controversy over the issue subsided until June 1967 , when eviction proceedings were taken against eleven families who had refused accommodation offered to them by the rural district council because it was at some distance from the city .
5 Even as far away as Australia commentators talked about a quiet revolution in the way Australians and their communities were responding to the types of learning challenges being presented to them by the changing social conditions of the 1970s and early 1980s .
6 Affidavits from the defendants ' solicitors established that the photocopy affidavit was supplied to them by the second defendant for the purposes of seeking legal advice in circumstances where litigation was contemplated , but did not indicate whether the photocopy sent was a photocopy which the second defendant made for the purpose of instructing his solicitors or a photocopy which had been sent to the second defendant by the employee himself , prepared for the employee 's own purposes which had nothing whatever to do with the defendants obtaining legal advice from their soliticors .
7 This is a totalizing view of society , and implies a certain anti-pluralism : freedom of belief and action within certain parameters , which are to be decided either by those who appear righteous in the sight of God or by those who , at least , conform in their lawmaking to the advice given to them by the righteous .
8 However , the development of Australian unions has been markedly and uniquely influenced by the institutional support given to them by the federal arbitration system which has long played a fundamental role in wage-determination and the settlement of disputes ( see Chapter 5 ) .
9 The key to the achievement of a consensus lay in Hawke 's agreement to increase the financial autonomy of individual states by expanding their powers to raise taxes and by loosening controls on how they spent money transferred to them by the federal government .
10 the merits of such proposals as are referred to them by the Select Committee ;
11 These have now been cleaned up , but it took us some time to cope with this disgraceful state of affairs … the condition of these children , and the behaviour of many of the mothers , has completely dissipated the goodwill and welcome accorded to them by the Welsh people , whose hospitality is proverbial .
12 Dependent on relief helicoptered to them by the American armed forces , the mountain refugees are still losing their young and their old to malnutrition , cold and disease .
13 Will my hon. Friend the Minister bear it in mind that many of the frauds that have come to the attention of our regulating authorities were first discovered and reported to them by the American SEC ?
14 Sadly , as I shall explain , the facts do not bear out the interpretation given to them by the Foreign Secretary .
15 These pleats give the lava a ropy appearance , and the flows are called by a name given to them by the Polynesian islanders — pahoehoe flows .
16 Frigidity has only been better exemplified to me by the first psychotic woman I ever saw , who complained that her vagina contained a block of ice .
17 But I flatter myself that I can meet this danger more calmly and securely than most philologists ; my philosophical seriousness is already too deeply rooted , the true and essential problems of life and thought have been too clearly shown to me by the great mystagogue Schopenhauer … " ( 1869 ) ; " I love the Greeks more and more … [ but ] … the philologist 's existence … seems to me more and more anomalous " ( 1870 ) ; " For me , everything that is best and most beautiful is associated with the names Schopenhauer and Wagner , and I am proud and happy to share this feeling with my closest friends " ( 1870 again ) ; and from the close of the same year , " Let us drag on in this university existence for a few more years ; let us take it as a sorrowful lesson … I realize what Schopenhauer 's doctrine of university wisdom is all about …
18 What an extraordinary position has been reached in some Christian theology , such that it is thought , at least at a subconscious level , that somehow Christ and Mary are a pair , Christ male and representative of men , and Mary female and representative of women , was brought home to me by the following incident .
19 I spent two hours responding to questions put to me by the Select Committee only a fortnight or so ago .
20 Then , picking up a rifle that had been give to me by the French Commandos , I joined the others , lining up in the darkness at the edge of the wood preparing to move off .
21 As slim as a reed and as shy as a bird with the eyes of a gazelle , were all the aspects of beauty once described to me by the Youngest Son as most desirable in a woman .
22 Either become the package manager ( given to you by the existing manager using option 1.8.0 ) or activate the DC/DCs via a package which you own .
23 Captured on film by Nasa and made available to you by the combined efforts of Spaceprints and Armagh Planetarium , these videos are indispensable to anyone interested in space exploration .
24 Are you telling me it was presented to you by the Royal Artillery Club ?
25 Sent to you by the Inland Revenue and filled in by you monthly .
26 " Guard the truth that has been entrusted to you by the Holy Spirit " , writes Paul to Timothy , " and what you have heard from me before many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also . "
27 The result , of course , is that while RAI presents basketball or football with an advertising ratio not unlike British commercial television , the private networks are forever interrupting events to inform viewers that the penalty was brought to you by the Galbani Salami company or that Nigel Mansell 's dash from pole position is nothing but a gift from the state oil conglomerate .
28 This is the message conveyed to you by the Independent Islamic Wimbledon Day Boys ’ School ! ’
29 Has my right hon. Friend had a chance yet to read the excellent report submitted to him by the chief constable of Northumbria about the problem of constant reoffending on bail ?
30 He repeated the other details about the shipment of cocaine , as relayed to him by the mysterious informant the previous night .
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