Example sentences of "to [noun pl] ' [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In addition to the factors already discussed , the main stimulus to employers ' organisation in a number of countries appears to have been less that of a counter to growing union power , or an attempt to achieve market or labour force regulation , and more a response to what was perceived as a threat to common employer interests arising from increasing state intervention .
2 Their significance for Woolf was in contributing to prisoners ' sense of injustice .
3 If your husband dies , you will be entitled to widows ' benefit in the same way as any other widow .
4 We gained ready access to heads ' thinking on such matters , especially in the sample schools .
5 The Federation of European Wholesale and International Trade Associations is calling for all references to traders ' responsibility to be removed .
6 We report here the results of a case-control study set up to investigate whether the excess was related to parents ' employment in the nuclear industry .
7 These parents were initially delighted last year when the local council announced that , in response to parents ' campaigning for a nursery class , all four-year-olds would be offered a school place .
8 Your mag , like similar productions , panders to guitarists ' obsession with their playing ability and the equipment they use .
9 The OSF press release and its mock shock horror surprise also does n't allow for the fact that Addamax voluntarily revealed Sun 's involvement to defendants ' counsel in October of 1991 and that OSF itself has known about it since at least May of this year .
10 He will probably announce the scrapping of residential segregation , and an end to blacks ' exclusion from most South African land .
11 Even among the former they failed to make a decisive impact upon the labour market before 1914 , due partly to workers ' suspicion of bureaucratic intervention in the labour market and to the indifference of employers , who had little difficulty in finding labour when they needed it .
12 Yet before he made the astonishing leap from Paupers ' Alley with Cambridge United to Millionaires ' Row with Manchester City Dublin , 23 , had to learn his lessons the hard way .
13 He took it along to Stationers ' Hall on 2 November 1691 and entered it in the Stationers ' Register to establish copyright of a sort :
14 The first may be related specifically to GPs ' training as medical practitioners .
15 Celtic , who have had to bow to Rangers ' superiority in recent years , lost out again last night after the semi-final draw paired the Old Firm rivals on September 22 .
16 example If you have a general political interest in social class , this could support an investigation of class as it relates to characters ' use of irony in Emma .
17 It has frequently been observed that many classroom interactions do not conform to the rules of normal conversation , and this applies particularly to teachers ' use of questions ( e.g. , Barnes , 1969 ; Stubbs , 1976 ; Edwards , 1980 ) .
18 If girls are taught from an early age that science is a subject to be studied by all pupils , and is not ‘ only for the boys ’ , then some of the problems relating to girls ' under-achievement in science in the secondary school will be resolved ( Equal Opportunities Commission 1982 : 4 )
19 The results , and in particular the significant losses incurred by the PvdA , were widely attributed to voters ' dissatisfaction with a lack of new policies introduced by the new centre-left government .
20 It also contributes to debtors ' sense of hopelessness , because as soon as one crisis is sorted out , another hits them .
21 It should lead to more understanding of language diversity , including multilingualism , and be closely related to pupils ' experience in their own communities , and therefore be treated with great sensitivity to pupils ' home backgrounds .
22 This applies profoundly to pupils ' capacity for reflective thinking .
23 Michelle Stanworth provides a pertinent example of this process at work with regard to pupils ' assessment of their own competence .
24 The use of the microcomputer is to be shown to be directly related to the curriculum and to enhance pupils ' learning , thus the project must be curriculum-based and not restricted to pupils ' use of the library for general work .
25 Referring to barristers ' opposition to the extension of rights of audience , he said Lord Mackay had withstood enormous pressures .
26 The hon. Gentleman will know that the changes made to students ' entitlement to housing benefit and income support were not made in isolation .
27 The survey reported here was the other strand of the project and addressed issues relating to adults ' pre-enrolment to these types of courses .
28 As an insider , sensitive to MPs ' sense of their own constitutional centrality , Wilberforce wanted to avoid causing offence to them .
29 We can refer to government expenditure , investment , and exports as injections into the circular flow because they add to consumers ' expenditure on domestic products .
30 The first thing that must be determined when considering the rights of employees when a relocation is planned is what the contract of employment says in relation to employees ' place of work .
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