Example sentences of "to [noun pl] ' [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 Their significance for Woolf was in contributing to prisoners ' sense of injustice .
2 Even among the former they failed to make a decisive impact upon the labour market before 1914 , due partly to workers ' suspicion of bureaucratic intervention in the labour market and to the indifference of employers , who had little difficulty in finding labour when they needed it .
3 This equation is merely a formal statement of the idea that the quantity of output supplied is primarily determined by the local price relative to suppliers ' expectations of the economy-wide average price of output .
4 How often in the past have I not given due credence to relatives ' statements of how bad the client was ?
5 But the greatest potential damage to Rangers ' hopes of victory would be the loss of McCoist with a calf injury .
6 example If you have a general political interest in social class , this could support an investigation of class as it relates to characters ' use of irony in Emma .
7 Before attempting to set out an approach to disruptive pupils , I believe it is important to preface the debate with a general comment on education — first , because the nature of the topic can generate emotions that lead to a distortion of the author 's overall perspective , and second , while I am critical of many educational responses to disruptive pupils I do not wish to add to teachers ' feelings of being under siege .
8 It has frequently been observed that many classroom interactions do not conform to the rules of normal conversation , and this applies particularly to teachers ' use of questions ( e.g. , Barnes , 1969 ; Stubbs , 1976 ; Edwards , 1980 ) .
9 The accident put paid to Blues ' thoughts of racing , but also rekindled his interest in the guitar .
10 It also contributes to debtors ' sense of hopelessness , because as soon as one crisis is sorted out , another hits them .
11 Michelle Stanworth provides a pertinent example of this process at work with regard to pupils ' assessment of their own competence .
12 The use of the microcomputer is to be shown to be directly related to the curriculum and to enhance pupils ' learning , thus the project must be curriculum-based and not restricted to pupils ' use of the library for general work .
13 In contrast to historians ' accounts of international events , or indeed the actors ' views of their own contribution as recorded in their autobiographies , International Relations theories have usually put most emphasis on impersonal units and forces .
14 Some of the jobs on offer in the assignment process were not ‘ good ’ jobs , suited to graduates ' fields of study or expertise , and some involved very little real work , being ‘ employment ’ in name only .
15 The campaign started a fortnight ago in response to residents ' complaints of nuisances caused by large scale cockling operations .
16 The focus of most research into residence abroad has been upon the improvement of linguistic skills whereas this project is to investigate the contribution residence makers to students ' perceptions of the way of life in another country .
17 As an insider , sensitive to MPs ' sense of their own constitutional centrality , Wilberforce wanted to avoid causing offence to them .
18 The first thing that must be determined when considering the rights of employees when a relocation is planned is what the contract of employment says in relation to employees ' place of work .
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