Example sentences of "to [noun pl] and [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Push halved new potatoes , cut sides down , on to sticks and set on the hot surface .
2 The Danzig Senate complained to the League that the stamps were offensive to Germans and pointed to a pair of crossed swords incorporated in the design as indicating particular ill-will on the part of the Poles .
3 One could hardly wear garments that were ripped to shreds and spattered with blood .
4 The tin lead soft solder used on the ewer is very dense to X-rays and appears as white patches on the radiograph .
5 cost of training interviewers ; supervisors are needed to give assistance to interviewers and check against possible interviewer dishonesty ; travelling and subsistence must be paid even when the respondent proves to be unavailable or uncooperative interviewers may leave or become stale
6 The Oxford English Dictionary defines a game as ‘ a contest played according to rules and decided by superior skill , strength or good fortune ’ .
7 You cos you know Bonnie yeah , sh she erm got offered a er job in Glitters in Camden yeah it 's a shop in Camden , and sh she told Honey and Dan about it yeah and the next thing she knows yeah like the next day , she 's talking to Dan and Honey and Honey comes out and says oh I went down to Glitters and asked for a job right said right to Honey 's face I mean Bonnie 's face .
8 Many beehives have been destroyed by spray drift landing on the flowers from which bees collect pollen ; timber treated with the household chemicals lindane and dieldrin ( now banned from use ) is extremely toxic to bats and continues to be so for decades after treatment , and many bat colonies have been eliminated in this way .
9 Capital receipts would normally be credited to reserves and recorded in the balance sheet .
10 Ropes tied to ears and rings to hands
11 Some people — old folks , especially — get like that : too attached to bricks and mortar for their own good . ’
12 The General Household Survey provides extensive data concerning three main aspects of social contact : visits from friends/relatives ; visits to friends/relatives and contact with neighbours .
13 Then obviously it 's statements to parents and depending on what happens there because the parent 's evening and I 've put
14 ‘ Of course schools will want to continue their good practice of regular reports to parents and responding to any concerns parents might have .
15 Girls were encouraged to ask for help , play with dolls , take an interest in clothes and dressing up and stay close to parents and discouraged from being noisy and playing rough games .
16 Others were subject to burns and suspended from prison walls for up to three consecutive nights .
17 Civil servants speak Ukrainian to visitors and talk in Russian among themselves .
18 One convert to Darwin 's theory , Henry Baker Tristram , who had applied the concept of natural selection to larks and chats in the Sahara desert , was actually deconverted as he witnessed the debate !
19 At the very centre of the ‘ precinct ’ ( pedestrianised in the 1960s ) , the architects have let rip with yards of steel rails , attached to posts and festooned with lights , encircling a ‘ performance area ’ .
20 Thank you Stephen from Leicestershire , he says that he has seen people tied to posts and set on fire .
21 We can apply this thinking to organisations and look at how they interact with their environment and with other organisations .
22 Although , strictly speaking , the bearers were not assigned to individuals and worked as a pool , carrying messages for anybody in the building , in practice they identified themselves with particular people .
23 The Dutch were probably right , to judge from a handwritten note de Gaulle gave Chancellor Konrad Adenauer at that time : ‘ The supernational organisms of the six , which tend inevitably and abusively to become irresponsible superstates , will be reformed , subordinated to governments and used for the normal tasks of the council and technical business . ’
24 I think that if the present association is continued , and if this meeting agrees that it should be continued , you will see some more breaking up , and I believe the process must go on inevitably until the old Conservative Party is smashed to atoms and lost in ruins .
25 This part of what we do will relate specifically to observations and teaching in schools participating in the French for Communication scheme .
26 In fantasy land there are no politics so everyone can quite happily agree on how to things and agree on common .
27 Meredith hastily curbed her natural friendliness , reminding herself that she was n't at home now , gossiping to strangers and leaping into any car that came down the lane .
28 Listen with an increased span of concentration to other children and adults , asking and responding to questions and commenting on what has been said .
29 Some leave it all to officers and concentrate on policy issues in council and committee meetings , whereas others wish to know details of particular cases and administrative decisions .
30 Though my early dream of cones directly related to moulds and maintained in course of 180° rotation had to be abandoned .
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