Example sentences of "to [pers pn] [adv] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In this poem we see their shared Jewishness , and the ‘ irreverence ’ ( as some would see it ) they each had for the Tradition — at least for that view of it which some espoused ; we also see a shared disdain for rabbinic ( and priestly ) logic , to them both a form of mental death .
2 But most of us experience periods of low self-esteem at different times and some — particularly If they have been unhappy in their early life — seem to be permanently stuck with such a poor impression of themselves and their own worth that ‘ self-esteem ’ is to them just a word which applies to other people more fortunate than themselves .
3 I talk to them once a month normally , but more frequently since the war began .
4 She would be fifty-three or four now and I find it difficult to believe that any woman who had had three children would n't show some curiosity about what happened to them once the glamour of life had worn a bit thin . ’
5 I mean , took the point of coming round all the staff , talking to them personally every patient and she made a point of getting down on her knees and talking to the patient personally !
6 ‘ Many nurses may find the task of entering the script onto the GP 's computer is delegated to them so the time saved from being able to prescribe starts to disappear . ’
7 During the war , when we were doing research on strong plastics , Professor Charles Gurney used to recite this little ditty to me nearly every day and I found it depressing because wood was in fact a better material for making aeroplanes than the plastics which we could then produce .
8 I 've been given a lot of support from fans , especially letters written to me nearer the time .
9 It suggests to me either an act of personal revenge or , alternatively , a demonstration to encourage the others , as the French say . ’
10 Among the four Rachmaninov songs , the oriental-sounding Never sing to me again the songs of Georgia was particularly dark , rich and poignant .
11 I understand that you will be faxing to me today a request for banker 's details and credit references .
12 If I sa said to you , tell me , could you describe to me briefly the layout of where is it you work ?
13 Yet the other day I was listening to an eminent conductor whose Bruckner is often much praised reaching a triple forte long before what is to me self-evidently the work 's pivotal climax .
14 Perkin 's absence was to me almost a shock , so accustomed had I become to his being there .
15 Similarly , Benjamin 's description of cinematic form provokes immediate comparisons with the potential of recording and mixing techniques ( mike-positioning , rebalancing , dubbing , and so on ) for musical ‘ montage ’ and an ‘ analytical ’ revelation of new sound details and relationships ( for instance , Elvis Presley 's ‘ voice ’ — that is , the vocal ‘ image ’ we hear on his records — seems to me precisely a product of this kind of process ) .
16 If we start with the initial condition that I = O at t = 0 and at a later time t the current rises to I then the work done on the inductor is
17 Yeah that 's , when I was reading the thing I said to you somehow the upstairs seemed much better .
18 Or is I come to you just a projection from the voice of the Enemy , saying to Frodo what he wants to hear , putting words in the mouth but not in the heart , creating ugly fictions as he does later with the phantasmal corpses of the Dead Marshes ?
19 Oh I do n't know it 's up to you Well the price has probably gone up has it ?
20 But , in fa , I was just gon na say to you well the filter did n't go .
21 But I would say to you Well the point is this is spending on hope .
22 He was twenty-two or three , he was French , and to him also the encounter may have appeared as something handed on a platter .
23 Had he imagined it , or had Chung Hu-yan come to him only an hour back with news of another attack ?
24 He did n't go to Mass , but it was said that the priests came down to him once a month and heard his confession and gave him Holy Communion .
25 I spoke to him quite a bit you know .
26 ‘ Annie 's been chatting to him quite a lot , lately .
27 She crouched down behind a row of freight cars and took in her surroundings : to her right a goods shed , to her left two sets of parallel track and a rusted freight car , its wheels barely visible through the tangled mass of overgrown weeds .
28 She was trapped in the middle lane , there was a solid wall of lorries to her left , and to her right a blur of fast cars .
29 Lady Selvedge was a tall , pale-faced woman , with a camel-like caste to her features-perhaps a Hapsburg lip if one took a more kindly view .
30 Well yes exac thank you , because my wife writes to her practically every week
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