Example sentences of "to [pers pn] [prep] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I would ask those concerned if they could be patient and given time I will refund all money owing to them including any interest that would have accrued had their money been in a bank .
2 When they arrived the hospital team changed tack and referred to them about all matters with regard to the girl 's care because they were the next of kin .
3 The important thing about that Richard is you still have to sit down and talk to them about these businesses .
4 Young people who have been caught in this trap have had no information given to them about this change and can not avail themselves of the choice of training like colleagues born on or before July 1 .
5 Before this single , the rather distanced American rock press failed to probe deeply into the phenomenon of The Smiths and had constantly referred to them as some kind of wacko gay outfit , English eccentrics playing lightweight rock .
6 We always referred to them as those ladies of the stage .
7 Many of our users are social historians , and we offer support to them at all stages .
8 How did you get word to them at that day ?
9 The Personnel Department is involved in the formulation and implementation of policies governing the organisation 's dealings with its existing and potential employees Here , too , microcomputers can make a valuable contribution They place in the hands of managers a powerful analytical tool which is available to them at any time .
10 The justification of the invaders , based partly on the doubtful assumption that proximity gave sovereign rights , but more specifically on the claim that the islands had belonged to them at some time in the past , bears comparison with the Zionist claim to Palestine .
11 Thank the Lord for his faithfulness to them at this time .
12 Most children learn about epilepsy when they first see their parent having a seizure , and it is vital the condition is fully explained to them at this time .
13 This can be comforting to them to some extent , but what they really want to hear is that you will not only see that they are cared for properly for the rest of their days , but that you will help them to remain in control of their own finances and to be as independent as possible .
14 The great advantage to them of this approach is that it has a strong one-firm concept , where most of the values arid styles of the consultants are compatible , thus making it potentially easier to integrate as a consultancy team .
15 The whole orderly structure of argument and assumption of course depended on slave-owners seeing the force of and benefit to them of these laws of development .
16 An example of such a clause is the following which was found in the Foreign Compensation Act 1950 , a statute setting up a body known as the Foreign Compensation Commission : ‘ The determination by the commission of any application made to them under this Act shall not be called in question in any court of law . ’
17 The statute provided that : ‘ The determination by the Commission of any application made to them under this Act shall not be called in question in any court of law . ’
18 Will he ensure that at that poverty level , those additional 400,000 pensioners are informed of their rights to claim income support so that they can at the very least receive what little is due to them under this Government ?
19 It is likely that innocent partners have the implied right to be indemnified by the tortfeasor in respect of any liability which attaches to them under this section , though this would be subject to any express agreement to the contrary .
20 In March 1991 , a bank as unpaid mortgagee had taken possession of the debtor 's business premises and he had not had access to them since that date .
21 within the first-aiders and the , and obviously to try and try and drive it to them on that issue .
22 Contemporary audiences would have understood that the film appealed to them on that level but were also aware that the tragedy of the film consisted of an ordinary innocent American being hounded by external events and being forced into failure and crime .
23 Almost all of them had crude magic swords , whose unsuppressed harmonics on the astral plane played hell with any delicate experiments in applied sorcery for miles around , but Rincewind did n't object to them on that score .
24 Fathers took pleasure and pride in their sons ' successes , but did not publicly defer to them on that account .
25 They are morally no worse on the whole than the lecherous men who inhabit these tales , and intellectually much superior to them on most occasions .
26 Within a few years , most Boards felt that the Consultative Councils helped to defuse individual complaints and to present a favourable image to the public , and were willing to defer to them on some matters of general policy of an essentially political or presentational nature , such as priorities in rural electrification or aspects of domestic charging .
27 I note that now they have offered to construct a footway along this small section if you will dedicate the land to them for this purpose .
28 The attempt in the Treaty to reorganize the Balkans as a stable structure of national states appealed to them for this reason .
29 My theories with it , my er great cynical look at it is , they they need a hundred offenders and a hundred non offenders to be referred to them for these tests .
30 People react in different ways to odours , for example most people would probably describe rural odours or odour from a brewery , perfumery , or fish and chip shop as pleasant , but not all , some would find them unpleasant , pungent even , especially after being subjected to them for any length of time .
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