Example sentences of "to [pers pn] [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 When his call was refused by Sir Derek Alun-Jones , the chairman , on the grounds that it was likely to form the basis of future litigation , Mr Mackeson-Sandbach said the trustees would be seeking ‘ legal advice on the means open to them to examine this report ’ .
2 English winegrowers are about to harvest a record crop of grapes — but it could lead to them facing new restrictions on production in the future .
3 Former employees of Maxwell companies say they 're hoping the MPs new initiative could lead to them receiving some compensation .
4 However they do acknowledge that many children can be more confident and more assertive than others , but that this is due to them receiving unconditional love .
5 In addition , there is a multiplicity of grants available to them to allow full-time education ; no such grants are available to the whites , poor or otherwise , who have to pay for their education themselves .
6 Wimbledon pay my wages and my commitment to them takes top priority .
7 In contrast to Mallet and Naville , they do not appear to believe that there is any fundamental conflict of interests between capital and labour which would lead to them expressing opposing preferences with regard to the taking up of the job design principles they advocate .
8 Notices attached to them make this plain .
9 The teachers ' accounts of what happened to them make disturbing reading .
10 ‘ We regret that the Department has encouraged parents to expect schools to report to them using these measurements so prematurely .
11 But the secular mind looked to them a starved mind , desolate of passion because robbed of faith , and it never occurred to them to doubt that religion possesses and monopolises the spiritual life .
12 While our sports leaders recognise the contribution they can make to providing a ‘ healthy outlet ’ , they are concerned that , although government looks to them to play this role , it is often not prepared to assist them .
13 However , when the trial judge came to deal with the case against the second appellant , the trial judge directed the jury that it would be open to them to interpret alleged statements by the second appellant as a confession by him that he was one of a group who assaulted the deceased , and that accordingly he would be responsible for everything done by every other member of the group that he knew was being done or was likely to be done .
14 In a clear sense , people apparently do not use all the information available to them to interpret these sentences , at least in certain contexts .
15 This assumes that social worker has the information available to them to make correct decisions .
16 Our investigation reveals that we 're continuing to ask the armed forces to meet a series of commitments and all the time we 're reducing the resources available to them to meet these commitments .
17 Children are special — and problems relating to them need specialised care .
18 Due to unforeseen problems , they became so heavily involved in the project that both found it necessary to develop new skills which led to them becoming competent programmers in their own right .
19 CIBSE plans to make CPD mandatory for all except fellows , and ICE has well structured continuing education requirements for its members prior to them becoming chartered engineers .
20 Everybody had a contract that was made specific to them saying this material , these audio tapes are your property .
21 Woman-centred psychology reminds feminist psychologists of the power of psychological concepts of gender , and acts as a strong inducement to them to challenge these concepts .
22 This seems to me to represent good grounds for believing that functionalism itself may well be true .
23 The evolutionary story , to the extent that it can now be understood ( and to the much more modest extent to which I understand it myself ) seems to me to give some support to the view that in this respect the historical story means very much what it seems to mean .
24 I was surprised it had both a sunroof and air conditioning as they seem to me to cancel each other out .
25 Two pieces of evidence seem to me to cast some doubt on the drawing of direct parallels between LTP and memory .
26 Do you know what it did to me to see that animal on top of you , about to … ? ’
27 At one point a uniform sergeant listening to me discuss some tactic , gloomily pointed out that my style was not theirs ; but then , he rationalized , ‘ how could it be , you 're from the north side of the river ’ .
28 Some of these proposals seems to me to make great sense .
29 Looking at things squarely , I should say that most of the £5 million you have advanced to Ingard will have to be written off — and it does n't seem to me to make much difference to the bank whether this becomes open knowledge now , or in a week or so .
30 If erm things should start to go wrong and the chap on the floor erm was to make any movement or s sudden movement towards either P C or any other piece of equipment in the room which may cause injury or damage to ourselves or himself , it would be down to me to challenge that man er and allow P C to get back behind er the ballistic shield .
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