Example sentences of "to [art] few [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He smiled and she pulled her robe tightly round her ; the bathroom that had seemed quite large had shrunk to the few feet between them .
2 Further on the Brook splits , and one tributary leads to the few remnants of what was Upper Ley Mill .
3 From Poolewe , a narrow road follows the coast to the headland west of Loch Ewe but is of interest only to the few residents alongside it , and visitors invariably continue on the A.832 to Gairloch , this road also having been brought up to modern standards .
4 Finally the road turns away and makes a long and rough descent , with Loch Hourn dramatically in view ahead , to the few buildings of Kinlochhourn where there is life but no sign of it .
5 The electronic cameras captured the action , and powerful transmitters beamed the signals directly to the few homes in Britain equipped with television receivers .
6 Should we listen to the few objections of the few people affected ?
7 And despite their higher incomes , they rarely become rich because their activities are limited to the few months during the year when the climate is favourable for construction work .
8 Cannons are dangerous if sometimes unpredictable weapons whose manufacture is limited to a few groups of human and Dwarf experts .
9 Members of the GWR Preservation Society will learn with particular interest that w.e.f. 21st October the world-famous Torbsy Express will be making a nostalgic return visit to a few stretches of its old track , and will first be housed for three weeks in Railway Shed 4 at Plymouth .
10 The entire coastal fringe from Chilaw south to a few kilometres into Hambantota district was the most densely populated part of the island .
11 One of the serious limitations is the total interaction time with the microwaves , limited to a few milliseconds by the speed of the atomic beam and by the separation of the two Ramsey regions .
12 We draw attention in the appropriate chapters to a few differences between our analysis and recommendations and those of the Kingman Committee .
13 The level of the solution is then adjusted to a few centimetres above the level of solvent in s by means of a levelling rod 1 .
14 And once they 've been picked , cut the foliage back hard to a few centimetres from the crowns to stimulate new growth .
15 She fixed her hazel eyes on his and elaborated , smiling , ‘ You could treat yourself to a few trinkets with the change . ’
16 Irish rugby is notorious for peaks and troughs , so look forward to a few peaks from now onwards .
17 At last someone has had the nerve to bring the area in line with the rest of British climbing : no longer will it be a quiet backwater resigned to a few lines in the climbing press about some brilliant new VDiff on a puny little crag in the back of beyond .
18 ‘ Did that swift eclipse torture you ? /A star at eighteen and then — suddenly gone/ down to a few lines in the back page of a teenage annual/oh but I remember you/I looked up to you ’ — ‘ Little Man , What Now ? ’ .
19 On Sunday 10 May 1719 three warships subjected Castle Eilean Donan to a fierce bombardment which left gaping holes in its walls and the small garrison , in their alien white and yellow uniforms , surrendered , in the most gratifying fashion , to a few boatloads of English sailors , who seized the rebels ' stores and blew up the old fortress .
20 Yet , what , one might ask , is a tropical institute doing in central London in the 1980s when Britain 's influence and claims in those climes are largely reduced to a few dots on the global map ?
21 Visit the area several times and you will find yourself being attracted to a few sites in particular : these are the places where you can meet the earth spirit .
22 It is exceptionally ironic still to find children in a culture which has fathered half the popular music in the modern world , condemned to drone away in their music lessons over nineteenth-century hymn tunes , with dancing relegated to a few minutes at the conclusion of the physical education lessons .
23 The most intensively automated sections of any library are probably the short loan collections of universities , where books in high demand are separately shelved and issued for varying brief periods of a few days down to a few hours on one day .
24 But such generalizations as these , while perhaps being applicable to a few individuals of each country , can reasonably be said to be prejudiced statements based on inadequate sampling .
25 The general enthusiasm for the fortieth anniversary of the structure of DNA should not blind us to a few blemishes on the otherwise fair face of molecular biology .
26 Back neck stitches can be run on to a few rows of waste yarn and removed leaving you with a set of shoulder stitches on each side .
27 Pitcairn seamount lavas have O isotope ratios up to a few parts per million higher than the mantle value , which leads to the virtually inescapable conclusion that they contain a component that was once at the surface of the Earth .
28 Let us suppose that your department is keen to try investigative work ; some have been on courses ; there is access to a few ideas from books and journals ; and the main concern is how people will cope personally and pedagogically in the classroom .
29 If that is a problem , ( limited to a few versions of the AMI bios ) a full fix involves doing without Stealth in QEMM , which may be a trade off ardent QEMM users do not wish to make .
30 During the afternoon , while he sat idly chatting to a few men in the masons ' lean-to , James Menzies arrived , his brown horse soaked black .
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