Example sentences of "to [art] [adj] [noun pl] it " in BNC.

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1 As in 1766 , the crown surrendered its chosen servant to the only forces it was to respect in the nineteenth century — the mob and the army officers .
2 It must , obviously , be considered in relation to the actual matters it is concerned with , of which Greek tragedy is the most specifiable .
3 Montserrat itself is a major religious centre , and in addition to the religious facilities it 's well set up for tourists and climbers with a cafe , bakery , bar and essential ice cream store .
4 They set to work cutting down trees and brushwood , far and near , to drag up to the terrace , to fill in the ditches — or at least , the two outer ones , for when they came to the inner ones it was promptly demonstrated that they were within range of the defending cannon .
5 Carbon emissions under the cheapest plan are less than under market forces , thanks to the efficient methods it uses .
6 From here to the final stages it was all uphill , and with six furlongs left St Denis had had enough , so Achilles took up the running until the runners came into the straight .
7 And as they came to the final furlongs it was Roc de Prince , Laura 's Beau , Sure Metal going for the line and then on the outside , up came New Mill House .
8 In fact , VISystems has added Bull to the legal proceedings it instigated back in April 1991 against Unicorn , the original developers of UniKix , acquired by Bull earlier this year ( UX No 368 ) , to protect its patents .
9 Nature of operations The Bank operates on a non-profit-making basis , and so its interest charges are close to the average rates it has to pay in the EC and international capital markets .
10 In addition to the other openings it had a curious window-like aperture on the side of the snout with sloping sides , rather like a basin .
11 To the other girls it 's a wartime job , but to me Intelligence is a career .
12 ‘ We lose so many girls to the professional ranks it means we are constantly having to start again as regards team selection , ’ continued Mrs. Boatman .
13 It was often a lower middle-class phenomenon , and was always fiercest in central and eastern Europe where the great mass of the population had little commitment to capitalist society or to the liberal values it generated .
14 With regard to the three-note chords it will be safest for the student who has no practical knowledge of string-technique to confine himself almost entirely to those which contain at least one open string .
15 At a time when it is important to attract more women and men to the nursing professions it is vital that education facilities exist to offer excellent training and a career structure through pre and post-registration specialities as well as courses for those wishing to return to the profession .
16 Hence if the construction of the building which is to be the catering premises shuts out light to the adjoining premises it thereby infringes the rights of the neighbours and gives rise to a cause of action for contravention of their easement of light .
17 Second , it must be sensitive to the particular circumstances it seeks to regulate — for example , the realities of modern medical practice and the availability and use of new technology and medicines .
18 The whole process only takes a few minutes , although to the distraught owners it can seem like hours .
19 It is an important innovation in Hungarian law that a one-man company may be created , and according to the ministerial reasons it was introduced in order to allow the foundation of one-man companies by state enterprises so that they might have the advantage of carrying on trading with limited liability .
20 I further submit that when properly understood , it is sufficiently sensitive to the diverse realities it would seek to regulate to render uncalled-for the criticisms and apprehensions reflected in recourse ( now often ritualized ) to the term ‘ defensive medicine ’ .
21 Since Gift Aids applies to a single gifts it can be a very useful means of making a charitable gift towards the end of the tax year when your taxable income for the year can be estimated with some degree of precision .
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