Example sentences of "to [art] [noun pl] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The majority of degree courses lead to the honours classifications of first , second ( upper or lower division ) , or third class .
2 However much those two may pander to the anti-police prejudices of the contemporary Labour Party , they are hardly subversive of the bourgeois order .
3 The principal objective of the research is to utilise an examination of the policy making and policy implementation process relating to the telecommunications sectors as a focal device for assessing the nature of Japanese government-industry relations ( GIR ) and comparing this with process in the UK .
4 Over in Australia , Dave has played everywhere from the tough mining towns of the North to the blues clubs on his home turf of Perth .
5 Until a few years ago the parish had the right to nominate one person to the Aims Houses at Cobham , also known as Cobham College .
6 Every employer in Britain , including charities , small businesses , medium-sized and large businesses , must contribute to the skills needs of the country .
7 The treatment given to the burns casualties by the medical orderly had been crude .
8 It 'll be back to the cattle trucks for the lot of us . ’
9 You can decree an end to the Cold War , but not to the arms manufacturers like Boeing .
10 If you want a pint of Mayhem 's Sundowner Heavy or Oddas Light you 'll have to go to the Farmers Arms at Apperley near Tewkesbury .
11 At the national level , women 's political participation was confined to the ladies auxiliaries of the Conservative and Liberal parties , which were formed during the 1880s and 1890s as a means of making use of women 's formidable political energies and of siphoning off potential protest
12 To avoid his being rounded up by the Germans for STO ( Service du Travail Obligatoire ) and sent to the munitions factories in the east , Montaine and Mme Guérigny hid Jean-Claude in a sunken hollow in the grounds of a crumbling manor house at the edge of the village .
13 Merseyside East Euro MP Terry Wynn sent a message of support to the women members of Women against Pit Closures .
14 It should give an indication as to the companies relations with employees — such as whether trade unionised , and the level of staff turnover .
15 The Whig reformers had their own political views in mind when they described the typical Scottish politician as a man whose position was secured by extensive bribery of a small venal electorate concerned only with individual advantage , or , alternatively , by the politician ignoring the true electorate and placing reliance upon nominal and fictitious voters who had been added to the freeholders rolls in the counties .
16 Above left A stone tribute to the craftsmen builders of Brasenose College , Oxford .
17 The Securities and Investments Board has issued guidance to the derivatives markets on what forms of trading are proper and what is a proper market for the purposes of s 47 , FSA 1986 .
18 This is a matter entirely within the court 's discretion although witnesses are likely to be excluded if any party to the proceedings objects to their presence .
19 Of slight compensation were the visits of the ‘ professional ’ visitors , such as the patriotic , exquisite , ‘ Lady in Green ’ , described by Duhamel , who spoke inspiredly to the grands mutilés of
20 Jane carried the tray across to the police officers with what looked to the sergeant like absurd concentration and Dexter wondered uncharitably whether she had already been drinking .
21 If in doubt on any matter please refer to the Police Officers in attendance and by guided by them OR contact Lothian & Borders Police , ‘ B ’ Division Headquarters , 14 St. Leonard 's
22 She was then taken to the police interview-rooms in Chaykovskovo Avenue , the handcuffs were finally removed and then she was left alone .
23 Another study of a mass murderer is The Killer Department ( Orion , April , £15.99 ) by Robert Cullen , who was given access to the police files on Russian psychopath Andrei Chikatilo , also the subject of Hunting the Devil : The Search for the Russian Ripper ( HarperCollins , £14.99 ) by Richard Lourie .
24 Most of the bishops made their way by scholarships to the colegios mayores of the great universities from the obscurity of the minor provincial nobility .
25 An insider is an individual who is knowingly connected with a company in the six months prior to the securities trades in question .
26 Bell 's most important surviving building is the Customs House , King 's Lynn , built in 1683 as an exchange and sold to the customs authorities in 1718 .
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