Example sentences of "to [art] [adj] [noun pl] i " in BNC.

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1 " Go and tell that to the extra men I 've hired .
2 MESSAGE : To the two girls I asked the way to the offy .
3 As I looked at him sitting opposite me on the floor of the trench , I was fascinated by his resemblance to the other Commandos I had met over the past five days .
4 Er , and in general we have a , er , panel of the non-executive directors who set the directors ' salary in relation to the other directors I am also on that panel er , but obviously not in relation to my own salary .
5 I now turn to the professional encounters I had in the late 1970s and early 1980s with two senior but very different public figures , Lord Mountbatten and Harold Macmillan ( later Earl of Stockton ) .
6 ( b ) I do not accept that quasi-contractual claims , even where a contract is involved , are properly to be treated as falling per se within article 5(1) , having regard both to the general considerations I have already advanced in my analysis of the cases such as Peters [ 1983 ] E.C.R. 987 , and also because it is difficult to locate a place of performance for a quasi-contractual obligation .
7 Given the image of BA coupled to the lower fares I can see passengers defecting in their droves from the City 's resident airlines .
8 But my heart was not in insurance , and when Fred Workman recalled me to the editorial offices I rushed back to my old love .
9 I was , however , devoted to the three dogs I owned while I was at The Milebrook .
10 I valued his judgement highly , and look back with pleasure to the several visits I made to him-and his equally delightful wife Elizabeth at their cottage in Cambridge where he was a fellow of Churchill College .
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