Example sentences of "to [art] [adj] [noun pl] he " in BNC.

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1 If a potential investor should assume that ‘ preference ’ means that he should prefer them to the ordinary shares he would be sorely in need of professional advice .
2 Gorbachev 's early speeches gave relatively little attention to the longer-term objectives he had in mind for Soviet society .
3 The cause of Mr Hemingway 's ‘ uncharacteristic errors ’ — failing to see that the old wire was detached at the fuse end and insulated at the relay end — is attributed to the long hours he worked .
4 They testify to the long hours he has spent working under the eye of his father , Bob .
5 The match-winners were Newton , who added five penalties to the 478 points he had already scored this season , and Ness , the Scots captain .
6 To the incredulous peasants he explained that ‘ There can be no partnership between the brave and the effeminate .
7 According to the Irish annals he was tonsured ( AT p. 262 : CA p. 137 ) .
8 However , in his Journey to the Western Islands he takes a much more elaborate position : ‘ The imaginations excited by the view of an unknown and untravelled wilderness are not such as arise in the artificial solitude of parks and gardens , a flattering notion of self-sufficiency , a placid indulgence of voluntary delusions , a secure expansion of the fancy , or a cool concentration of the mental powers . ’
9 He swung into the hospital driveway , and Belinda could n't find a comforting utterance in response to the deep fears he had just tried to voice .
10 Sir Louis was a great advocate for the cutters and in addition to the official cruises he often spent the odd informal day out with us , sometimes bringing his wife , family and little dog .
11 Academically , 1949 was Philpot 's best year so far , a fitting tribute to the new masters he had appointed and to those returned from the War .
12 He took his assignment seriously , accompanying Alexandra to the various meetings he had fixed up for her , talking knowledgeably about everything from architecture to fashion , from music to ice-cream .
13 But Steven had a b-i-g problem , because he had spent his whole life in Never Never , a land not best known for its grasp of real life , and his idea of what went on in the world outside was limited to the hazy notions he had picked up … from the movies .
14 Even if the producer happens to be a resource owner , he is to be considered an entrepreneur with respect to the other resources he needs for production .
15 To the tabloid newspapers he was ‘ Naughty Boy George ’ , one minute ‘ a poof with muscles ’ , the next ‘ laying off love for seven months ’ .
16 He took a turn at firing and soon mastered the Castle 's long firebox which is somewhat different to the wide fireboxes he is used to .
17 In a letter sent later to the central authorities he advised that transport problems should be viewed in organic conjunction with local economic needs .
18 We see how on the stage Bajazeth is portrayed as a giant due to the clever stilts he wears .
19 He issued the text of his decree calling for a nationwide vote of confidence , and it omitted any reference to the special powers he had claimed on Saturday during a televised address .
20 By adding this new term to the known equations he managed to describe all macroscopic electromagnetic phenomena .
21 To the assembled bishops he described himself as ‘ bishop of external things ’ — presumably external to the church .
22 If Charlton does stay on after the World Cup , he 'll find it hard to live up to the high standards he has set .
23 In showing off to the raw recruits he might even throw the small plane into such daring bankings or dives that it could n't be manoeuvred out of .
24 When he gets on to the old antibiotics he
25 As Northern Ireland Secretary from 1989 to the last elections he proved to be a skilful diplomat and he is widely acceptable to all factions of the Conservative Party .
26 metres to the three titles he had won in Finland .
27 ‘ If young Seb can add to the three horses he 's got now he 'll soon be needing someone to help him out .
28 But it is Damon , fourth from the top , who has vaulted ahead of the others , thanks to the cutting-edge characters he developed for Keenan 's show : an angry circus clown , a flamboyant film reviewer , and , riskiest of all , Handiman , ah , uh , differently abled super-hero .
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