Example sentences of "to [art] [adj] [noun pl] which " in BNC.

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1 The birds , in particular albatrosses , are attracted to the baited hooks which are used for long-line fishing , and become caught in the nets and killed ; , Further restrictions are to be imposed on the establishment up of new fisheries in the area .
2 His conclusion , probably acceptable to most parliamentarians , is that Ukraine should ratify START 1 now , but should hold on to the 46 missiles which that treaty does not cover ( though the Lisbon protocol does ) , and delay accession to the NPT .
3 Sir John Pennycuick went on to refer to the far-reaching limitations which govern the exercise of the jurisdiction .
4 This , of course , was not how it seemed to the European powers which held authority over the Middle East after the 1914–18 war .
5 Most police were concentrated in the crowded districts of irregular streets , such as the harbour quarter , and special details were dispatched to the privately-run brothels which did not fall under the control of the priesthood .
6 In the Romalpa case , not only was the seller entitled , as owner , to the unmixed goods which the buyer had not sold , but the seller was also entitled to the proceeds of the sale which the buyer had received from sub-sales of unmixed goods .
7 Ask Ann Jones what a contribution half this size could do to providing coaching and travelling support to her hard-pressed British girls , or even consult with Ian Barclay or Olga Morozova on the dramatic help this could give to the junior squads which , although cosseted , are far too small and elitist .
8 On my regular trips back home , I am always a witness to the unspeakable hardships which the local population endures as a result of living alongside one of Europe 's most important arteries for the transport of people and goods in the North-South direction .
9 Historians can point to the philosophical views which underlay this ambition , and artists and sculptors were in various ways affected by the demonstration of its realisation in the theatre built for the composer at Bayreuth .
10 And as for those bloody red boxes , ’ he says pointing to the battered containers which deliver official papers to Ditchingham Hall every weekend , ‘ hate 'em . ’
11 The list of changes in modern capitalism which have been seen as fundamentally questioning the original Marxist theory are too numerous to mention in detail , so we will confine ourselves to the major changes which have fuelled debate amongst Marxists .
12 In my own turfs we are quarrelling among ourselves with intense energy about whether women can be ordained priests , about who is more Catholic than their neighbour and about a whole host of internal issues , because we apparently have neither the grace nor the guts to face up to the real issues which are the business of the Church in the current world .
13 Kaysen has pointed out that : ‘ [ d ] ecisions as to the technical areas which will be systematically explored by research and development divisions and decisions as to what scientific and technical novelties will be translated into new products and processes and tried out for economic viability have very deep effects .
14 These picture faults are due to the technical compromises which are built into video and television systems .
15 A short bus or taxi ride from the city centre takes you to the Botanical Gardens which , until 1936 , were the Quinta do Bom Successo residence of the Reid family .
16 Essentially , what the communications course does is to bring to the fore issues which had hitherto been considered marginal ; it brings the perspectives of a variety of disciplines to bear on one subject .
17 Unfortunately the practical problems of operating a large plant in Ireland were totally unrelated to the glowing words in the glossy literature , and to the enchanting phrases which slid so eloquently off the honeyed tongues of Ministers and officials .
18 It is also interesting to note that endorphins are released when acupuncture is practised and perhaps make a significant contribution to the therapeutic effects which may be achieved .
19 My Lords , the move amendment which is down in my name on the Order Paper , I do have to apologise Your Lordships , to your Lordships , if th if it 's meaning is not immediately clear , even to the keen minds which are present in Your Lordship 's House .
20 In this way Marx and Engels give us an alternative to the idealist philosophies which they reject .
21 The pool in their own garden had been filled in by her father five years before when her baby brother had drowned there ; but she loved to sit by cool water , inured to the stinging flies which gave people from the north so much trouble .
22 Of course , for the wealthiest strata there is always the option of sending their children to elite private schools , while other urban parents make sacrifices to send their children to the fee-paying schools which have sprung up since 1977 especially to meet the unfulfilled demand for secondary education .
23 In the first place , to group actions by reference to rules is unlike grouping objects by reference to their observable properties and to the causal laws which they obey .
24 The discovery that suitable doses of X-rays sometimes cause a mutation , that is , a change in the property produced by a specific gene , was a valuable tool in relating the observed features of heredity to the cellular changes which control them .
25 Nevertheless , Gregory 's surviving writings do not belong to the rhetorical traditions which had been so fashionable in Late Roman and Merovingian Gaul .
26 Very few Spanish rugs come onto the market due to the limited numbers which are produced ; they are usually made specifically to contract .
27 Interwoven with these images are subtler references to the metaphorical borderlines which separate Latin American culture from that of Europe and North America .
28 Only group 5 did not propose the following pattern : ( i ) The relative rigidity of this pattern can be explained by reference to the cohesive chains which develop through it .
29 You owe that to the extraordinary talents which you have received from a beneficent God ; and now it depends solely on your good sense and your way of life whether you die as an ordinary musician , utterly forgotten by the world , or as a famous Kapellmeister , of whom posterity will read …
30 It is important to establish how much the client worries about the physical symptoms compared to the primary stresses which cause the symptoms .
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