Example sentences of "to [art] [adj] [noun] they " in BNC.

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1 The astonishing speed with which the two brother radicals developed their Pantisocratic scheme was testimony not only to the transforming effect they had on one another , but to the very weak foundations upon which the whole enterprise rested .
2 When he arrived that morning David appeared cool towards her — so cool , in contrast to the friendly relationship they had previously established , that Nina noticed it and mentioned it while she and Rachel were working out a list of appointments for management medicals .
3 However we may criticize the practices of the TNCs in the Third World , for most people whatever they do will be secondary to the major benefit they bring , namely the creation of employment .
4 The dominant classes of different nations have their own unique histories and characteristics which are not simply reducible to the economic position they all have in common .
5 ( These days people are often less committed to the actual firm they work for than in the past .
6 But he turned the conversation to the actual sum they had amassed .
7 His head jerked round and he was just in time to see the pack stream out from the bushes only thirty yards away , noses still glued to the invisible trail they were following , and lope swiftly towards the house .
8 She has had hundreds of letters from adults sexually abused as children saying ‘ keep going , that they wished someone had diagnosed it in their childhood and describing the trauma they still suffer as adults even though to the outside world they are perfectly normal , respectable people .
9 In relation to the outside world they imply a wariness to foreign investors , and an ambivalence to foreign aid in so far as investors and aid donors may undermine the autonomy of the government .
10 Most were unhappy — to the outside world they were just thought of as ‘ cabbages ’ , without thoughts or feelings , because that was how the people looking after them thought they were .
11 To the outside world they had arrived on the international scene as self-made , jet-setting millionaires .
12 Over the whole period , the front on the Right Bank never shifted as much as 1 , OOO yards ; for the Germans , a bitter contrast to the five miles they had advanced in the first four days of the offensive .
13 When both trunks had been hauled on to the far bank they used the ropes to bind them together at various points along their length .
14 The girls respected her because she had nerve and a good front of confidence , and because she possessed a very smart line in jerseys and fancy stockings , and wore shoes so fashionable that to the untrained eye they looked positively orthopaedic .
15 The noises ‘ car ’ , ‘ dog ’ , ‘ house ’ bear no resemblance to the item in question , neither do the noises ‘ anger ’ , ‘ fear ’ , ‘ contentment ’ or , meekness ' bear any resemblance to the emotional states they are intended to convey .
16 The project team think that they could carry out the further research in an additional year at an estimated cost of £20 000 , but that the chances of solving all the problems are only 30:70 as opposed to the 50:50 chance they gave the initial phase .
17 They were walking on to the long ridge they had been able to see from the cottage window .
18 Maybe now they 've proved they 've got ‘ the skills to pay the bills ’ they can get down to the serious shit they 're obviously capable of .
19 Most animals increase their fuel consumption in proportion to the extra baggage they are carrying , but not the camel .
20 One way of doing this is to ensure that specialists implementing technical changes , eg the Resource Management Initiative , pay heed to the behavioural changes they expect to promote in managers and staff involved .
21 Too often pupils are put off by material which is dull , linguistically unsuitable , and which bears little resemblance to the colourful storybooks they are used to .
22 She looked abruptly away and turned her eyes to the small villages they sped through , pretty places with interesting-looking shops .
23 ‘ When Shabba and his posse were listening to the final tune they were nodding sagely .
24 He put in a kitchen and he thought there was something funny about these people erm they did n't want to give him money up front for the fabric , you know , the woods and things and he was n't asking the full amount anyway and he said , you know , a things are very tight in business and I do not want to run up any more debts if you will let me have some of cash , some of the cash fo for the wood as soon as the wood 's delivered I 'll come and do the job , it 's not as though your money is going to be tied up in any way and there was a bit of a face pulling and saw this woman drop to , sort of , always hovering around always putting her motty in and erm when th when the job was nearly completed madam steps forward with the cries of that is n't quite right and that is n't quite right and Nev was putting hours doing nit-picking fussing about getting things absolutely perfect got it absolutely perfect but when it came to the final bill they knocked off six hundred because there was the tiniest little scratch on one of the panels !
25 In the day they dripped steadily and almost thawed , and then from dusk to the following sunrise they were slowly reformed .
26 Yet if the crackdown on the Press which is being demanded goes ahead , journalists would be working with both hands tied behind their backs — as opposed to the one-hand handicap they are forced to suffer at the moment .
27 Always train with these mitts to get used to the additional range they allow , and to experience what an acceptable impact feels like .
28 The heightened profile of the shift controllers gives recognition to the key role they and their shift teams will play in the future operational performance of the terminal .
29 Vincent waded into his father with such anger that his expulsion from the house inevitably followed : such grossness was an offence to the fragile truce they were only just sustaining .
30 They 're transplanting their cottage garden a handful of plants at a time from their present home to the new house they 'll be moving to in November .
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