Example sentences of "to [noun sg] at a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 By concentrating on the practical implications of new ideas this book should help to promote positive strategies for welcoming nurses and health visitors back to practice at a time when their skills are needed and sought after as never before in the profession 's long and distinguished history .
2 Fifteen degrees of flap induce marked buffet at 92 knots , with the stick very noticeably jerking from side to side at a stall speed of 85 knots .
3 She too had been to Canonmills and Broughton school ( though she says she was " not very clever " ) and first of all went to work at a draper 's shop in the West End , a job for which she remained still nostalgic .
4 When I went first went to work at a laundry .
5 In reality , however , the difference between him and a shareholder may not be anything like as clear-cut , for the debenture may give the holder a contractual right : — to appoint a director ; to a share of profits ( whether or not available for dividend ) ; to repayment at a premium ; to attend and vote at general meetings and even to convert his debentures into equity shares .
6 To illustrate the holding period return , consider an investor who purchases a 91-day CD ( with a coupon of 10 per cent ) with 50 days to maturity at a yield of 10 per cent and sells 30 days later at a yield of 10 per cent .
7 According to evidence at a murder trial , the police found the weapon when they freed the alleged murderer so they could keep him under secret surveillance .
8 The Charter was subject to ratification at a meeting of Energy Ministers in The Hague on Dec. 16-17 .
9 Clinton consistently supported women 's right to abortion at a time when Bush adopted an anti-abortion stance .
10 From my audience ( a solid queue of cars waiting bumper to bumper at a side road ) there came a sort of gasp or groan .
11 Just after I had passed my driving test I drove up a local hill on the way to my aunt 's house , coming to traffic at a standstill .
12 The fact that the common warthog lives in aardvark holes is a good reason never to loiter at an aardvark entrance .
13 Spending by public sector organisations has to comply with complex and changing legal regulations , and is exposed to scrutiny at a number of levels .
14 Making the capacitance and resistance yields a time constant RC = 1 ms and leads to rejection at a frequency of 160 Hz , for example .
15 ‘ On that terrible night he showed devotion to duty at a level not only expected by the London Fire Brigade and the public , but well beyond it . ’
16 They are each used here to gesture at a range of philosophical positions .
17 These deflationary policies of various governments added to unemployment at a time when Britain 's foreign trade was depressed .
18 The British team , seen below , had their best result to date at a world event , gaining sixth place .
19 But London offered too many hostages to fortune at a time when all foreigners were suspect , and the police were inclined to arrest first and ask questions afterwards .
20 ‘ It has a full complement , a crew , an armoury and is good for putting to sea at a moment 's notice . ’
21 By the early 1980s , it had become possible to study modern linguistics , structuralism , semiotics , marxist theory , post structuralism , the sociology of literature , various brands of specifically literary theory , and cultural studies in some or other relation to English at a number of polytechnics and universities .
22 The Republicans were fortunate in coming to power at a time of growing prosperity .
23 Vietnam was attempting to make the transition to socialism at a time when the international situation had undergone major changes .
24 No problem to find the World War Two hero — owner of the bomber jacket — and to change the colour of his trousers to turquoise at a glance .
25 A BRITISH businessman has been charged with murder in Thailand after his partner was stabbed to death at a beach resort .
26 A GATECRASHER stabbed a man to death at a nurse 's 21st birthday party in a hospital .
27 On learning of this , Achym pursued his steward for three miles to Bury Down , where he did him to death at a place known as Slew Gate .
28 ‘ Labour says too many people go to prison at a time when the public believes more people should be put in custody , ’ he said .
29 Help may come in many forms , from the provision of a hand rail for the bath to time at a day centre .
30 A few years earlier a friend and fellow member of Brooks 's , Cyril Salmon , a former Lord Justice of Appeal , had put my name down for election to the Seniors Golfing Society , an English-based club for golfers over the age of fifty-five who met from time to time at a variety of attractive courses .
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