Example sentences of "to [be] made on the " in BNC.

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1 Too much expenditure is involved for decisions to be made on the basis of the influence or favour of suppliers ' representatives .
2 Where there is insufficient information supplied about a proposed assignee for a proper decision to be made on the question of consent .
3 But it had taken four years from the completion of that review for a decision to be made on the future of the RHA 's six asylums .
4 Secondly , in this chair where the back legs are at an angle to the front , compensation has to be made on the back mortise , otherwise the whole seat frame will end up on the skew .
5 Suppose a judgement about reaching criterion performance had to be made on the basis of the results of the tests used in the consistency experiment described above , what would be the decision for individual pupils ?
6 It invites the contrast to be made on the particular process , so that objectified social consciousness can be compared with non-objectified , and social representations can be contrasted with those commonsensical beliefs which are not social representations .
7 The indemnity basis allows objections to be made on the ground that items are ‘ of an unreasonable amount ’ but , in directing that ‘ any doubts shall be resolved in favour of the receiving party , ’ imposes a very rigorous criterion .
8 The consumer programme shows no sign of losing momentum , indeed difficult decisions have to be made on the most effective use of resources available .
9 Many of the tools had to be made on the spot specially for the task .
10 While the ideology is appropriate , it enables choices to be made on the basis of far less analysis and with much greater urgency , which certainly seems to be a move in the right direction , even if the choice made is not always the best one in the circumstances .
11 Thus detection of a semantic anomaly forces a check to be made on the identification of a word , and this checking increases lexical decision time .
12 On March 26 , 1952 , they signed the agreement now sued upon which has three clauses : ‘ ( 1 ) the husband will pay to the wife for her support and maintenance a weekly sum of One Pound Ten Shillings to be paid every four weeks during the joint lives of the parties so long as the wife shall lead a chaste life the first payment hereunder to be made on the Fifteenth day of April 1952. ( 2 ) The wife will out of the said weekly sum or otherwise support and maintain herself and will indemnify the husband against all debts to be incurred by her and will not in any way at any time hereafter pledge the husband 's credit .
13 Now this agreement witnesseth that in consideration of the said John Weston Foakes paying to the said Julia Beer on the signing of this agreement the sum of £500 , the receipt whereof she doth hereby acknowledge in part satisfaction of the said judgment debt of £2,090 19s. , and on condition of his paying her or her executors , administrators , assigns or nominee the sum of £150 on the 1st day of July and the 1st day of January or within one calendar month after each of the said days respectively in every year until the whole of the said sum of £2,090 19s. shall have been fully paid and satisfied , the first of such payments to be made on the 1st day of July next , then she the said Julia Beer hereby undertakes and agrees that she , her executors , administrators or assigns , will not take any proceedings whatever on the said judgment .
14 A consistent basis for valuation is to be employed worldwide whereby all unrealised intercompany profit will be eliminated on consolidation and provision for slow-moving or obsolete stock to be made on the following basis ;
15 Where it is necessary for a company , for example , to pass a resolution to promote legislation , it is useful to include an authority for one or two persons to settle drafting points , and this is especially necessary at the committee stage before commissioners , when decisions sometimes have to be made on the spur of the moment .
16 Apart from the content of the questions decisions will have to be made on the form of the question-and-answer unit .
17 These corrections will have to be made on the raw data files sent by the Census Offices , since although SASPAC91 can correct individual variables within a system file , it can not output data in its raw form .
18 9.15.1 the final words of section 196(4) … " and that service … be delivered " shall be deleted and there shall be substituted " … and that service shall be deemed to be made on the [ third ] Working Day after the registered letter has been posted .
19 9.15.3 any notice or document shall also be sufficiently served if sent by telex [ telephonic facsimile transmission or any other means of electronic transmission ] to the party to be served ( or its solicitors where 9.15.2 applies ) and that service shall be deemed to be made on the day of transmission if transmitted before 4 pm on a Working Day but otherwise on the next following Working Day ( as defined above ) and in this clause " party " includes the Guarantor These provisions are designed to introduce certainty to the service of notices and documents and , unless a particular tenant takes exception to any aspect , they do not seem unreasonable .
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