Example sentences of "to [be] see [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 But there is one more role we have to play if we are to been seen as a socially responsible company , setting standards for the industry within the society in which we operate .
2 The generalised and longer-term values of the former are always likely to be seen to a disadvantage against the more immediate and more publicly ‘ acceptable ’ benefits of the latter .
3 SAUCHIEHALL Street was the place to be seen of a Friday or Saturday evening , and not only men but unaccompanied young ladies would stroll up and down in their finery , smoking in public .
4 Corners can be cut on flowers and remember , the flowers at the reception are going to be seen for a longer time than those in the church .
5 If it is to succeed in partnering Jaguar , then it is important for GM to be seen as a ‘ good citizen ’ of the UK .
6 In this context ‘ easing ’ has to be seen as a means to accomplishing routine community police work , not as an alternative to it .
7 It could not afford to be seen as a drain on the taxpayer and it should be relevant to the times .
8 WOMEN 's tennis in this country is apt to be seen as a jokey disaster area , lost cause and eternal outlet for false and flimsy dreams .
9 WOMEN 's tennis in this country is apt to be seen as a jokey disaster area , lost cause and eternal outlet for false and flimsy dreams .
10 The Labour Party will need to develop a plausible vision for the future of the NHS if it is to be seen as a credible alternative to the present government .
11 If it does go through it will provide a double benefit for the UK-based telecommunications group and is also likely to be seen as a significant plus for Hong Kong 's stock market .
12 Oh , yes , the Milan-based menswear group which charges about £700 for a regular suit and wants to be seen as a deeply serious friend of the earth .
13 The SSC is sometimes keen to be seen as a laboratory for the world , though at other times it remains America 's bid for leadership .
14 One aspect of this fear was the way in which the new notion of female impurity rapidly made inroads into the popular imagination , with the result that women came to be seen as a constant stumbling block to man 's improvement , a blight on the possibility of his attaining the now required ( i.e. post-exilic ) standard of personal purity .
15 Their perseverance revealed the obvious : needs and capacities continue to change after a person has been de-hospitalized or moved from the parental home to a group home — and the developmental role has therefore to be seen as a permanent not a temporary one .
16 The implications of this peculiar kind of vested interest , interest in one 's public image , for drama are probably obvious — the participant who wants to be seen as a good actor , for example .
17 ‘ Anything that can be come to encourage companies to increase their efforts or to consider exporting as a viable means of increasing profitability has to be seen as a most worthwhile and objective exercise . ’
18 For Locke , it was possible from reason alone to know that there is a God , and the role of revelation tended to be seen as a way to produce belief among those whose reason was undeveloped .
19 Yet a significant event occurs in 1730 when a labouring class poet moves toward the centre of contemporary culture , eventually to be seen as a candidate for the laureateship .
20 The Children Act 1989 will replace care orders in truancy cases with ‘ education supervision orders ’ , likely to be seen as a more constructive and less punitive form of order ( see below ) .
21 This in turn tends more and more to be seen as a division between science subjects ( useful ) and arts subjects ( useless ) .
22 Indeed , it is clear that there will need to be a significant improvement in the conditions associated with part-time work if this is to be seen as a real alternative for older workers .
23 Crime , then , has to be seen as a socially variable phenomenon : it reflects what particular societies and governments , at particular times , include within their criminal laws and practices .
24 It is essential for banks to remain active in this market in order to keep abreast of market developments and to be seen as a taker/supplier of interbank funds .
25 The term ‘ local state ’ gained critical acceptance and helped place on a new conceptual stage the mass of research and political activity that had gathered around local , or community , politics since the late 1960s. for those on the radical left , the state , and of course the local state , came to be seen as a site of competing political interests rather than as a neutral set of administrative institutions .
26 To do this , education has to be seen as a continuing life process linked to social and economic activity at all points and not just as a precursor to employment and a dependent adjunct thereafter .
27 Any attempt to open up the convolutions of farm policy to public scrutiny is bound to be seen as a threat to those with an interest in the status quo .
28 What had started as a ‘ new look ’ language course began to be seen as a new approach to teaching children based on a new and popular medium — English .
29 But this was extended , through myth and legend , to be seen as a generalized blessing .
30 But it was hard to express gratitude for what was bound to be seen as a harsh deprivation — the loss of natural family .
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