Example sentences of "to [be] [vb pp] by [det] " in BNC.

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1 Undoubtedly , if two persons enter into an arrangement for the sale of any particular property , and try to settle the terms , but can not agree , and after dispute and discussion respecting the price , they say , " We will refer this question of price to AB , he shall settle it " , and thereupon they agree that the matter shall be referred to his arbitration , that would appear to be an " arbitration " , in the proper sense of the term … ; but if they agree to a price to be fixed by another , that does not appear to me to be an arbitration .
2 There is too much archaeology to be contained in any undergraduate degree or to be taught by any group of teachers .
3 These questions underline the real issues to be faced by all the interested parties involved in privatisation .
4 As the year ended the events in the Gulf reminded us sharply that we can not take peach and freedom for granted , and that substantial risks continue to be faced by those serving in the Royal Air Force .
5 It would seem that once again nursing students are to be abused by this government .
6 A dogma that once looked profound had been shown to be no more than a simplistic diagram ; and social reality is too complex , in the end , to be embraced by any single theory of history or of class .
7 It is important to distinguish between allies and enemies : large numbers of aphids , for example , are often accompanied by ladybird or lacewing larvae which feed voraciously on them and are liable to be killed by many insecticides .
8 The best thing that could happen now would be for the scheme to be killed by another backbench Tory revolt , like the rebellion which quashed Sir Keith Joseph 's 1985 effort to make student fees income-related .
9 The best thing that could happen now would be for the scheme to be killed by another backbench Tory revolt , like the rebellion which quashed Sir Keith Joseph 's 1985 effort to make student fees income-related .
10 All children appeared to be treated by all the adults with equal and , by our standards , highly indulgent affection .
11 We have less than three months of the year left now , so from today the daily quota of trees to be treated by each one of you will be raised from three hundred and fifty to five hundred ! "
12 Let him who is prepared , should McNab decide on another experiment , to have needles driven into his stomach , allow himself to be treated by this charlatan .
13 Unfortunately , they also continue to be ignored by those who produce official reports and government guidelines .
14 While doing this the men are supposed to be separated by some distance in order to be able to call for radio assistance and to allow fire to be returned should one of them be attacked , and for the constable whose patch it is to become solely identified as the area 's neighbourhood policeman .
15 A child whose mother has just started full-time employment may only be likely to be disturbed by this event if he has also recently lost his father .
16 The finished tape is then sent to the agency to be heard by all interested parties .
17 But we must accept that these occasional audible signals were not even meant to be heard by all the chorus singers : they were to be heard by the sub-conductor(s) , who would then relay the beat visually .
18 It goes without saying that once the primary structure has failed there must be provision for the failure to be detected by some means before the redundant structure itself is weakened by continuous flight loads .
19 THE NUMBER of army bands is to be cut by half over the next two years — but all Scottish regimental pipes and drums have escaped the axe .
20 Servicing foreign loans ( totalling US$42,000 million ) would cost Rps14,300,000 million , an increase of 10 per cent , although Suharto said that new foreign borrowing for 1991-92 was to be cut by some 8 per cent to Rps10,370,000 million .
21 If the pair of you would rather stay away , then so be it ; but you must not be surprised if the rest of us refuse to be inconvenienced by such behaviour . ’
22 Now it is of course always possible to substitute ( x ) Fx for ( Ex ) Fx , replacing the existential quantifier , that is , with a universal quantifier plus negation , but there is nothing much to be gained by such a swap , for to paraphrase the proposition that something is human by saying that it is not the case that everything is non-human is merely to beg the question .
23 I do n't really think there 's anything to be gained by any further questioning .
24 One spokesman initially described the plants as ‘ surplus to requirements ’ , only to be contradicted by another — IBM Europe has made noises about a 12-month period in which the plants have to prove profitability , while others deny that there is any particular timescale .
25 ‘ The suggestion that innovation and change have to be led by those building individual houses is a dangerous notion .
26 His last speech in the House was more than three weeks before , and the occasion seemed to be organized by all concerned as a commemorative epitome .
27 Yet the figure she eventually pulls out of the hat is not one likely to be recognised by many who came into contact with Freya Stark .
28 Ontario 's Attorney-General , Roy McMurtry , says he stands by the CDC report and Digoxin expert , Alois Hastreiter of the University of Illinois says post-mortem levels found in some of the patients were ‘ far too high to be explained by any naturally occurring substance ’ .
29 However , these concepts do not constitute a theory of word perception or production : they are names for structures and processes whose nature is to be explained by any theory of word perception or production .
30 ‘ Some products have too wide a variation to be explained by these factors and one must assume that many multi-national companies are charging what they believe the market will bear . ’
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