Example sentences of "to [be] [vb pp] [prep] many " in BNC.

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1 Although the more generally noticed constructional shoreline features are the large sand and shingle formations , interesting minor features are to be observed on many beaches , among them beach cusps and sand bars , for the formation of which little or no longshore drift is necessary .
2 As observed above , the quality of some of the buildings is also better than that to be observed in many small towns , in which mosaics in particular are rare .
3 It is important to distinguish between allies and enemies : large numbers of aphids , for example , are often accompanied by ladybird or lacewing larvae which feed voraciously on them and are liable to be killed by many insecticides .
4 The recurrence of calculi after removal and the lack of substantial reduction in frequency of cholangitis indicates that there may be little to be gained in many of these patients by multiple manipulations of the biliary tree to achieve clearance .
5 Yet the figure she eventually pulls out of the hat is not one likely to be recognised by many who came into contact with Freya Stark .
6 The new Earth Data System is designed to facilitate the collection and analysing of environmental-impact data by enabling the data to be gathered from many different types of computers that are geographically dispersed and often incompatible .
7 Atkinson 's planning appears to have influenced Burn considerably , Blairquhan having the same stepped relationship of asymmetrical main block and a private wing ending in a low tower , a formula which was to be repeated in many Burn houses .
8 The pattern of their relationship was to be repeated in many of the ‘ chance-started friendships ’ which Coleridge formed in later years .
9 The argument came to a head in 1986 following the US Secretary of State 's programme to ‘ improve the quality of life ’ , when a number of American agencies receiving USAID funding began to be shunned by many Palestinian development workers .
10 The second is the traditional binary distinction between ‘ sound-change proper ’ and ‘ borrowing ’ : this distinction , or something similar to it , still seems to be assumed in many orthodox accounts .
11 It seems to be assumed by many advertisers that this sort of thing makes it simpler for the ( presumably illiterate ) public to take in , but I have never seen any evidence whatever to prove that it is better than , or even as good as , writing in slightly more formal English .
12 Dates had to be obtained for many of the sites before the historical sequence would become clearer .
13 Moreover , since it came to be accepted by many schools that a pupil could not study these separate subjects at A level unless he or she had already studied them at O level ( although in the 1950s it had been intended that O levels should be ‘ bypassed ’ by those who would study a subject at A level ) the domination of the university faculties began when a pupil was 14 .
14 No doubt one reason for this neglect has been the desire on the part of sociologists to have their discipline accepted in universities as a science , and since many psychologists rejected Freud as being unscientific , this judgement came to be accepted by many sociologists .
15 Separate baptisteries continued to be built for many years and separate , free-standing campaniles were the general rule ; these features acted as watch towers and were symbols of local importance .
16 They tend to be inspired by many of the ideas for home projects they see , but they lack confidence .
17 The wealth generated by our overseas possessions was channelled back to Britain and allowed fortunes to be made and investments to be made in many new industries , including cotton , fabrics , and diverse engineering products .
18 The Municipal Corporations Act 1835 specifically excluded all women from the local borough franchise , but single women continued to enjoy the vote and even the right to be elected in many parishes and important local bodies , such as the Poor Law Guardians , associated with them ( Hollis 1987 ) .
19 ‘ The assumption is that women like to be desired by many men .
20 Almost every eventuality has been foreseen , but this has necessitated a complicated set of forms which , although simple in principle , are so detailed as to be regarded by many as impractical .
21 From being a comprehensive Weltanschauung , in which there were to be found , according to Gramsci , all the elements that are needed for the construction of a new ‘ integral civilization ’ , it has come to be regarded by many thinkers as a much more limited and tentative body of thought , which is far from being able to predict , in any detail or with any certainty , the future development of society , or to offer anything but the roughest of guides to political action .
22 By the beginning of 1968 Britain was ceasing to be regarded by many Americans as either a powerful or a special ally .
23 The cartoons are to be seen among many others , similarly waggish and satirical , at Jack Duncan Books in Fossgate , York .
24 The Expert stated that the proof of the argument was to be seen in many photos of Arabians .
25 Even after the war turned sour he continued to be seen by many as the epitome of Germany 's unwavering will to certain victory .
26 Moreover , because of geographic variations in people 's sensitivity to the disease , tests will have to be done in many countries .
27 Thought will need to be given to many matters in structuring and planning a takeover and those outlined above are by no means an exhaustive list .
28 The unemployment of the mid-1880s contributed to the difficulty of sustaining the policy — workhouses were not large enough to hold all of the unemployed in the hardest hit district and out-door relief had to be given by many Guardians , though normally only in return for a daily ‘ test ’ such as stone-breaking in the workhouse yard — the task most favoured by Guardians for the male unemployed .
29 Many er areas of our church are in areas where the education , educational standards are not as high in other areas , and a lot of the leaflets that we bring out are quite er unable to be understood by many people in these areas .
30 When a single person has lived with a parent for most of their lives and cared for them devotedly , the effect of the bereavement is likely to be felt in many different ways .
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