Example sentences of "to [be] [verb] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The assistant finance officer with the Western Board — the first to been hoped the payroll personnel system would be operational in all boards by 1989 , so a three to four year delay has occurred .
2 TEACHERS appear to be mastering the art of showing championship winning sheep with two collecting commemorative Golden Jubilee rosettes the show .
3 You 're not going to be gone a fortnight , I hope .
4 There has also been a certain amount of experimental work by linguists and psychologists which supports the hypothesis that for current speakers of English , generic masculines are interpreted as masculine rather than generic — though it has to be said the results of this work are not entirely clear-cut , except perhaps in the case of generic man .
5 Nostalgia aside , this guitar is eminently playable , although it has to be said the balance problem is a pain in the shoulder .
6 The two innermost trees were cut down in 1771 as they were considered to be impoverishing the soil and shading the flowers in the Garden , but the others stood guard by the watergate for another hundred years and no doubt caused interested comment from river travellers .
7 Yet if children are to be taught a love of literature and language , they surely need to be inspired by those whose love of literature and language is apparent and infectious .
8 Since the characters that helped the individual to succeed in the battle were the traditional Protestant virtues of enterprise , initiative and thrift , Spencer could project his philosophy as a new foundation for traditional morality , despite its tendency to encourage indifference to the suffering of those who still needed to be taught a lesson by a wise but harsh Nature .
9 They need to be taught a lesson !
10 ‘ Oh yes , ’ said Boris ‘ You had to come to be taught a lesson . ’
11 Thus Adalbert 's monastic background , so far in geographical distance from the Slav missions ( but not on that account far from people who needed to be taught the basics of Christianity ) , shows pastoral awareness .
12 They were very very reliable because erm , the motive power was in a motor , electric motor , not a lot of parts to go wrong but er once you started the motor buses they had to send people away to be taught the mechanics of motor buses , so you had the old die-hards of the fetters , trolley buses , who never did take to motor buses and course the younger ones came into their own then , who were able to adapt to the modern motor bus .
13 They need to be taught the consequences of their behaviour and that it is not acceptable .
14 Some people came to us for a week , some for a month and a few wanted to be taught the essentials of the job in two or three days .
15 All those who were familiar with the works of Kerschensteiner knew that the task of the schools was to educate their pupils to serve their fellow citizens ; they were to be taught the value of joy in work as service .
16 Women , because of the nurturing and caring roles allocated to them , the responsibility they are given for the well-being and happiness of children and of men , are much more likely to be taught the value of submitting to one 's fate and considering the needs of others before their own .
17 They both looked tense and uncomfortable , and seemed to be searching the journalists for faces they knew .
18 The goal of ‘ achieving wealth ’ , has the objective , ‘ to be achieving an income of £20,000 as head of my own department , within the next three years ’ .
19 Freckles certainly seems to be achieving the aim of publicising the plight of her breed .
20 I 'm supposed to be meeting a feller for the pictures at eight o'clock . ’
21 But it is understood that the US Trade Representative , Carla Hills , is insisting the US retain powers to act unilaterally against European steel producers judged by Washington to be breaking the code .
22 It 's very annoying to be faced every week with magazines introducing new slimming diets .
23 Pascoe chose another moment on the tape and the waltz seemed to be reaching a finale : all brass and basses .
24 This in an ordinary way would not have mattered , but it mattered in this particular case and mattered quite fatally , because at various stages of the discussion , when we seemed to be reaching an agreement , I pressed Mr Smith about whether there was any likelihood , whatever the agreement was , that it would be acceptable to the entire population of Rhodesia , which the British government had laid down as a precondition .
25 I am not expecting my parents to be reaching the end of their life when they are fortyish but I am likely to be expecting this , although probably unconsciously , when my parents are ninetyish .
26 The banks are believed to be reaching the point where their capital will fall below the minimum required under rules imposed by the Bank for International Settlements .
27 Such terms as ‘ idiot ’ and ‘ imbecile ’ have even attained a certain respectability , to be joined no doubt in time , by such terms as ‘ moron ’ and ‘ cretin ’ .
28 To be considered ‘ disabled ’ for this purpose you will normally need to be receiving a benefit such as Attendance Allowance , Mobility Allowance , Invalidity Benefit or be registered blind .
29 That so somewhere in i in between you 've got to be receiving the income that you generate .
30 In times when there is occasion for rejoicing as , for example , in the gathering of a successful harvest , a happy emergence from trouble or natural disaster and on many other occasions there is always to be observed an urge to offer thanks to someone or something .
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